For the forth day we were in Exeter. We were supposed to be going to a place Tony remembered as a kid, but at the last minute he was afraid that it wouldn't be as good as he remembered it and so instead we went into Exeter town. At first the day was pretty cloudy, but it didn't really matter as we went down into the town's underground tunnels, it's a small set of tunnels made in the 15th century or something so there would be easy access to the water pipes they'd laid. The water pipes are long gone (mostly used for bullets in various civil wars) so we just got to look around what they've found so far.
The rest of the day got so much sunnier and we spent it dossing round the centre, it was a lot bigger than I had realised. We sat outside the cathedral with everyone else (it seemed) for a while munching before setting off to our next hotel, back up towards Bath.
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