Today I went with Dad to a lady he know who collects breweriana and also owns a dog kennels! x3
I didn't get pics of the dogs though, they were other people and it seemed weird XD i got to see lots of them though, like a shepard pup who nearly lost it's eye and was wearing a cone, a really friend but shy spaniel, 2 little yorkies which she owned, and had come from the RSPCA pretty much completely hairless ad a guard dog that had had a stroke, he was also an RSPCA rescue, when she took him in he was skin and bones and couldn't even stand, the rspca sued the owners of him. He had no manners and wasn't good with people, that's why he was kept as a guard dog, else he would've had to be put down. He let me pet him a little though x3
We stopped at a canal bridge on the way home too, but I couldn't get many pics because I'd forgotten my camera card x// That's why this one is lop-sided.