Today i was woken up a bit early (for me) to take Tony to the post office to pay customs charges on an item he'd been waiting on for about a month now. The excitement of finally having it quickly died though as it was missing a vital component...typical, that put Tony in a pretty bad mood, so while he emailed the seller at his house i went to mine to open the mail I got (customs free, thankfully) I got a new body for Harley, my pullip which I started to work on the Dad suggested we go to Newport, so i did that instead. I went to visit Tony quickly first to say good luck with his driving test though, he said he'd text when he knew.
So Dad and I explored Newport a little. We checked out the tiny antiques/knick knack shop and then went to look at an auction being held today. Dad had felt like going to one after being reminded by the lunch time tv. We unfortunatly got there at the jewelry part of the sale, not uber exciting, but the prices were going so high! Everything sold for over £100, we even saw a watch go for over £5000 x/ we watched till jewelry bit was over, but after some more interesting items they got into paintings so we left. We went to B&M and got some drinks and spring bulbs for the garden.
We went back to the car, then walked along the canal. We didnt get too far up though cause we spotted conker trees! We spent quite a while with dad knocking the pod things down and me collecting the conkers x3 of course it was pretty pointless cause I have no idea what to do with conkers now I've got them...except you're gonna see a pic of them later XD of course the real fun is collecting them ^^
Tony text me while we were collecting, unfortunatly he didn't pass, he nearly pulled out on a car that wasn't indicating and the examiner braked him, like the one that did to me, its an automatic fail :/
So we went to asda on the way home and I got him some chocolate, then I ran him to Pauls for the night as he had also been cancelled from work, it was just not his day today. Work was k but so many room services, I dunno what Stace was thinking letting Tony have the night off XD still, we managed.
Pls excuse the typos, phone typing again.