Magical, that about sums it up.

Jan 26, 2008 08:48

Thursday (otherwise known as Dean Winchester's birthday, lol) I celebrated my own birthday a little early with Barb. She took me out to dinner, which was fantastic. We talked about this, that, and the other thing, and we ended up laughing at how wonderful and simultaneously dreadful fandom can be.

After dinner we sat and listened to Larry Murante play at Crossroads. The guy has quite the voice on him. He's this terrific mixture of Colin Hay and Bruce Hornsby with an extra bit oomph that's all his own.

When the musical portion of the evening was over we wandered around Barnes and Noble misbehaving and being generally silly. You know how a group of lions is a pride, a group of crows is a murder, and a group of bears is a sleuth? Well, since we couldn't find a decent description of a collection of jellyfish (most books just called them jellies, boooring) we've decided a group of jellyfish from here on out shall be known as a smucker of jellyfish. Go on, use it, you know you want to. ;)

Yesterday, my actual birthday was very mellow. I conned Kyle into marathoning a bunch of Supernatural with me before he had to work. Mostly I just spent the day receiving well wishes from family and friends, which was pretty wonderful. Thanks guys. :D

This morning I dragged myself out bed (I just didn't sleep well for whatever reason last night) and chauffeured Kyle to work. At the moment I'm cleaning the place up a bit because I have friends from Wisconsin (Kelly and Kim) flying in later this morning. They'll be here all week but aren't here exclusively just to visit me, they have another friend out here and they'll be staying with her. I'll be tagging along with their sightseeing here and there when possible.

Barb, if you're reading this, I still expect to hang with you whenever you've free time this week. There's no escaping it, just consign yourself to it now. :P

Have a great weekend everybody. :)


mr. smith goes to washington, ryle, irish cupcake, so much joy, with a little help from my friends, bbq!, hey scooby!, whatever's clever

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