I would say it's been a crappy day, but really it's been a crappy week, and crappy few months. But wait, before you run away, I'm not actually going to go into any detail or bellyache any further than that. All I am trying to get at is that it's been an especially tough, I don't know, year in general, and a not so nice day in specific today, BUT I did just run across this, and it's fun and infectious (in that non-ebola sort of way). It made me smile and even more surprisingly it made me like a Katy Perry song. I'm not dogging anyone who enjoys her, I just haven't ever gotten into her music. I'm not sure I'd even enjoy the original of this, I've never heard it, but this all guy, a cappella rendition just makes me jubilant. I don't have anything profound to defend my love of this video or song. It's fun. It makes me smile. Never underestimate the importance or simple power of a smile. I'm just saying.
Click it if you like. It's spoilery for tomorrow's (or I suppose looking at the time, tonight's) episode of Glee. Personally I think it's well worth the spoil, again, just sayin'.
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