May 29, 2010 12:03
get hit by a bus. Again, just so we can cover all our bases.
Josh had sinus surgery Thursday. He's been recovering just fine until today when he started getting severe dry mouth and his throat started closing up. The kid's nose is packed and bandaged shut, he really doesn't deserve to have his breathing cut off all together. There may be a trip to the ER shortly. At least Julia is there with him, that brings me some small comfort.
Last week Christopher and Lindsay's car became undriveable, that's about the worst thing that can happen to you if you're a delivery guy for two different places. I lent him my car, which is absolutely no big deal at all. Mom's able to shuttle me to work and home and doesn't mind, so, you know, that's five by five. BUT today, my front tires went while Chris was working. He had to explain to his boss the situation, go get new tires and have them put on. Oy, seriously? We are not terrible people. We are not a family of baby eating cannibals. These boys try so hard to make life better for others. I hate to see them get smacked down like this in return. I know that hardship builds empathy, character, understanding, and patience, but some days it's harder to see the virtue in it all.
The Lord is the Lord in all things. Thank you for today, in all that it brings.
Josh, get well! *Big Brother Hug the kind you hate*
Christopher, hang in there bro. We will find you a reliable car. I'm so sorry for the trouble mine has caused you. *Bear Hug!!!*
I'm gonna go get ready for work...and I'll be watching out for any wayward buses.
go blue birds!,
even space cowboys get the blues,
be cool soda pop,
oy with the poodles