May 07, 2010 02:56
Do I recommend Iron Man 2?
Let me ask you this. Do you like fun?
If so, go see it. If not, pass on it.
It's that simple.
Although I think if you love RDJ and hate fun (and it's a rare individual indeed who possesses those contradictory qualities) then you may still enjoy this film for the shear RDJ-ness of it all.
It's funny, I never liked Iron Man growing up. Guy in a tin suit, big whup. It took Brian Michael Bendis and Matt Fraction writing him in comics the last however many years, and RDJ playing Tony Stark to turn me from a hater to a rabid fan. If you had told 8 year old me that he'd some day love Iron Man and that Robert Downey Jr would play the guy in a movie, well I tell you what, 8 year old me would have peed his pants with laughter. Ah, but that's life for you. ;)
my 8 year old heart,
check your head or you might wreck,
rubber ducky jr.