That's what I've taken to calling this cold bug, this virus, this evil whatever-it-is. It started out so low grade, so simple. I truly believed a good night's sleep and lots of water and juice and I'd be better than ever. That was Tuesday. It's now Saturday and I'm convinced that I've died, but that my body refuses to concede to the fact. I'm a
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So how are you my oh so swell Mel??
im doing ok. been to the podiatrist today and my foot is all strapped up again which is ANNOYING. as is looking for a job - ho and hum - but tomorrow, im meeting a friend for coffee and meeting her new daughter, which will be fun :)
I'm sorry about your foot sweetie. And your job search has been in my prayers. You will find that right someting for you.
Aww, enjoy coffee with your friend and her new daughter. :)
thx for thinking of me my lovely,
I thought that was him. Matthew Fox is just so darn cool, love that guy. :)
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