Jul 05, 2007 08:07
so last night... early night anyways... I was in eugene for Harry and the Potters. The band themselves put on a solid set. I wouldn't call it the best I've seen them do, but it was solid to say the least. The overall atmosphere was horrible. I can't get over how many bugs there were everywhere. Go ahead, tell me because I was in an eco-village that there will be a lot of bugs. Wrong. I encountered many bugs through the course of the day, even a good ton or so at the park I tried to relax in. No fun I tell you. Back to the show, there were a select few people at the show I would hope grow up or grow back bone at some point. One girl completely flipped out, like embarassed like over having the microphone thrust in her face during a sing along portion of the set. Maybe if this was a bigger show, not 30 people in an earth building, maybe then you would have good reason to freak out, but none of these people are ever going to see you again, care, or recognize you for that matter. Also what the hell is with people tapping people on the shoulder and asking to get by? Are we in grade school here? I kinda thought you could just nudge your way through.
Overall, band was good, crowd was stupid, bugs suck, and eugene sucks with the exception of the cool vegan mexican resteraunt with plastic cups that are made from corn products and will actually decompose in your compost pile.