it scares me half to death

Dec 31, 2013 15:05

I, along with everyone on my friend's list, have been shamefully neglectful of lj for months, if not years. I mourn that fandom has migrated, yet I haven't done my part. I don't know if this particular entry will stem or turn the tide of not posting, but...well, I wanted to say something.

I wanted to memorialize this year in some way. It has been, literally, life-changing.

I mentioned last February that I had met someone. The someone I met lived 1000 miles away from me - he was in Brooklyn and I was in Birmingham. From almost the moment we met it was clear that I would be moving. But, being, you know, me, I wanted to do it correctly - get a job and an apartment and sort everything first.

As you can imagine, that proved difficult.

So, when my landlord wanted to move back into my condo (I rented directly from her) in Birmingham in May, I took the leap. I came up, had some meetings, and sublet a place for the summer. I turned in notice at my job, at a company that I had worked at for 9 years. I moved with no job and no particular plan the first week of June. Through some contacts, I had an internship by the second week of June (at which, hilariously, the rudimentary coding skills I learned from fandom, helped me immensely) and was there throughout the summer and fall while I looked for a real job. That happened in the middle of November and I started the second week of December. It is brilliant. I've never had a dream job - but if I did, this would be pretty close. The company is amazing, the benefits are unbelievable, my co-workers are brilliant...even my office has a view of the Hudson which is, again, amazing. And my boyfriend just started a job in, probably, the best industry in the world and he is absolutely in love with it.

So, yeah.

Last year was scary and brilliant in every possible way; I don't know if I'll ever have another year quite like it. I think he put it best, so I'm putting it here for immortality's sake - 'It's been so awesome so far and we haven't even gotten to the really really good stuff yet. For now, we're starting amazing careers and living in NYC and shit's pretty sweet. Our lives are kinda sorta nothing like what they were when we met. We've successfully rocked each other's worlds, and we're still standing, and more. So, good job us.'

Happy new year, you guys.

real life shenanigans

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