the number seven running all the way through you

Feb 03, 2013 20:38

Real life things -

1 - I just made my own bread for the first time. I may have mentioned that my dirty hippie has manifested itself by being really concerned with what I eat, but I've never attempted bread because, honestly, I don't eat much of it. But I figured I needed to learn and, oh yeah, success. I used Laura Calder's Miracle Boule. Not only is it super tasty, it is supremely easy.

2 - BMR continues to be the most kick-ass radio station ever. Friend and I won tickets to two shows last week, so I got to see Lucinda Williams (just as amazing as I had hoped) and Devil Makes Three (a show during which I got felt up and punched) for free. And this week - Shovel & Rope and Luella and the Sun!

3 - February 1st was three hundred and sixty-five days since I walked into a conference room at work and everything changed. I haven't really mentioned it before on here, but. Yeah. All that falling in love stuff? Even better than advertised.

Fandom things -

1 - I have spent the weekend writing Potter fic. I will continue to wave the flag of Harry and Hermione's great love, even if I'm the only one at the ceremony.

2 - Teen Wolf. Oh my god, dudes - I am SO OBSESSED. Last weekend was entirely devoted to watching it and reading ALL THE FIC. This weekend, the times I was not writing, I was reading fic. And I was up until 1:30 last night (for you young'uns, that might not seem like a big deal, but to grandma over here, who usually gets in bed and is asleep by about 10:15, it's late!), trawling tumblr. STILES. STILES. And Derek - come here, baby, you just need a hug.

3 - I miss you guys. And I get really excited when people post, so I figured I'd try to do my part. Let's see how long this lasts, eh?

real life shenanigans, potter, (pretend) foodie

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