got a feeling in my soul

Nov 18, 2011 08:01

My friend just turned me on to Birmingham Mountain Radio and it is BOSS. And, currently, they are playing 'Brighter Than Sunshine' and I still LOVE this song.

It makes me want to dance around and fall in love and grin at everyone.

And in other totally happy-making news, my brother got Wednesday off, which means the whole familia is going to be at my place for Thanksgiving! I am so happy.

I'm going to scrub everything extra carefully this weekend and paint and discuss food with the mother. Exciting!

Also, I was up extra early this morning and since today is going to be a looong one, I pre-rewarded myself with a large gingerbread latte from Starbucks. I am not a fan of their coffee generally, but I have a major jones for their gingerbread lattes. It's probably good they only have them available for a couple months a year, as I cannot resist the siren call and get one every few weeks. Thus - I would likely be 3000 pounds. I have no idea how much fat/how many calories they are (and would not know whether it was good or bad if you told me) but I know they can't be good for you. the food of love, rls: family

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