Jul 18, 2011 16:50
Hilariousness from ten minutes ago.
The persons involved - me and my old boss.
(old) boss - 'Did you see Potter?'
parker - 'I did! It was gorgeous.'
(old) boss - 'Why didn't Harry get with Hermione?'
parker - 'That's a question for the ages.'
Oh, pumpkins. One day, we'll convert the entire world.
I have LOTS of other things to say about the movie (mainly wibbling about the greatness that is Harry and the trio and Neville and I STILL want to be Minerva McGonagall when I grow up and Hogwarts protecting its students! and oh, god, it was wonderful), but that will have to do for now.
I'm sure I'll be back later. You know you're exicted.
I might have also started writing fic, but you can't prove anything.
big screen: potter