in time, you see things clear and stark

Jun 09, 2010 09:16

My reaction to last night's Glee can be summed up thusly -

'Over the Rainbow' really shouldn't make your panties wet and yet...

Oh, and can we talk about Doctor Who for a second?

Firstly, I am besottedly in love with Matt and Karen.

I loved Chris (mainly because I've loved Chris ever since I saw Jude and that's a love that will never die). I loved David (mainly because I wouldn't mind David bending me over the nearest flat surface).

I haven't loved Matt forever and I don't particularly want to schtup Matt...but his Doctor? I actually believe he's a 907-year old alien. I love how still he is, if that makes sense. He has his moments of mania and he twirls around like a lunatic, but he can also just...stop and you feel like there is something great and terrible at the center of all the madness.

So, yes. Clearly love him.

I can't even get started on how much I adore Amy Pond. Favourite companion, full stop.

Here's the thing, though.

I SWORE I wouldn't ship them. Because - come on.

But I can't help it! If they don't want me to ship them, he REALLY needs to stop looking at her like that. And I cannot stop thinking about 'Amy's Choice' because, obstensibly, it was about Amy choicing between Rory (whom I also love) and the Doctor. But for me, it was all about the Doctor's love for Amy.

The thing that really pushed me over the edge? When they're huddled in the TARDIS, discussing how they, all of them, have to decide which is the real world and Amy asks, 'Which one do you think it is?'

The Doctor thinks it's the TARDIS and Rory says he thinks it's the village and the Doctor says, and I quote - 'Yes, but are we disagreeing or competing?'

I swear to God, I almost FELL OFF MY COUCH.

And the way he says it, so matter of fact, so 'clearly we both know what's going on here'?

So freakin' awesome.

This might be my favourite series so far.

But then - I always say that, don't I?

Oh, teevee. Good times.

idiot's lantern: doctor who, idiot's lantern: glee

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