making this cold harbour now home

Oct 17, 2006 11:51

I really like words, right? We all know this; it's not a surprise.

I'm actually starting to realize more and more that what makes something for me (songs, movies, etc) are the words. Even watching commentaries on DVDs - I always get the ones with the writers, moreso than the ones with directors, producers or actors. I feel totally wanky doing so, but, gun to my head, I would say, creatively, I'm a writer. Not an actor, or photographer, or painter or whatever. I do take pictures and I've acted and I guess you'd say I'm an artistic person, but if I had to go with one, I'd go with writer.

So, I like words more than most anything. But there are certain images that just...get me where I live, you know?

I don't know what it is about them, but, man. And since I'm in a chatty (hello, avoiding cleaning like whoa) mood, I thought I'd share a couple of them with you.

First, we have Mr Jensen Ackles, whom I didn't even know existed until Supernatural sucked me in head-first. And, yeah, he's pretty all the time and I♥DEAN and blahblahblah but there's just something aside from all that about this picture that makes me hold my breath for a minute.


And the other I've got for you is an Annie Leibovitz shot of Ryan Adams, from American Music, which, I mean. I was all over that like white on rice and you should all check it out, but something about this picture of Ryan...

you're leaning against the window and he's picking out a tune, rambling, cigarette hanging out of the corner of his mouth, trying to explain something to you, this image and that moment and how he hopes, but you're punchy and tired and you've both been up all night and you're interested, 'honestly, baby, i am', but you can't seem to stop laughing and he's giggling back but growling and threatening to shut up and 'then you'll never know, will you' and you can't help it, you just give up and start giggling helplessly at him and he just stops, shoulders slumped, cigarette finally out of his mouth, leaning on his guitar like it's the only thing holding him up and closes his eyes, face turned to yours and he looks like nothing so much as a disgruntled five-year old and 'lalala if i can't see them then they can't see me sothere' and before he knows you've moved, before he's opened his eyes, you're across the room and kissing him, guitar falling to the floor and cigarette falling in the ashtray and you're crawling in to that bed with him

See what it does to me?

And, hey, to waste some more time, give me some of your favourite things.

worth a thousand words, rls: words are my favorite

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