gotta have some faith in the sound

Jul 31, 2006 21:59

- It is a singular pleasure to tell someome, 'You leaving was the best thing that ever happened to me.' And fucking. mean. it.

- My single biggest pet peeve in life is when someone parks right in the middle of a space that could fit two cars. Hey, jackass! Some of us don't like having to walk, like, blocks in the blazing Virginia summer because you decided your precious car need double room. Of course, this pisses me off just as much in the winter. And spring. And fall. Remember, folks - when parking in the city? AS CLOSE AS YOU CAN TO THE PERSON IN FRONT OF YOU. YOU ARE NOT SPECIAL. And it's always some piece of shit car with bangs and dents all over it. Probably because people try to squeeze in to those GIGANTIC spaces that are just small enough not to fit another car. See? Shit makes me CRAZY.

- I am totally a southern girl. What else do you call it when you just shrug at the heat, pull on a pair of cut-offs and a tank top, grab a book (that you don't even intend to read because who the hell can concentrate when your bones are liquifying?) and some (sweet) iced tea and go out on your porch to melt in the shade?

- In that same vein, I am a sucker for Better Than Ezra and their brand of southern pop rock. I mean. Come on. 'Gulf breeze on the porch, me and my honey rocking back and forth.' There are just so many ways in which that is southern I can't even get in to it. Plus, Kevin Griffin is really really smokingly hot.

- I'm also a sucker for Jude. Dudes. 'You are madonna, you're lady divine; you are part mother theresa and a valentine' in one song that breaks your heart then in the next it's 'this is more work than it looks like, this is more than sex and talk, sometimes you close your eyes before the flight, but you're the perfect plank for me to walk.'

- I'm totally a 'shipper. I mean, you all know it. But I thought I'd just say it, all loud and proud like. OTP is my rallying cry. I watch or read things and appreciate and totally dig on other aspects, but I'm a shipper at my marrow. It's what makes me a fangirl. It's the reason I got involved in this thing we call fandom. And, god, I don't regret it for a day. I would so snuggle any of you and, you've gotta know, I'm so not a snuggler. Personal space is my rallying cry, in real life. *g*

- Saying that has bad connotations, I feel. But, I don't think it means being a)foaming at the mouth insane or b)unthinking. 'Cause I got to tell you, I ship some odd couples. And being that I feel like talking about it some more and you know you're all riveted -

The straight-up canonical - Pacey/Joey (which so didn't start out as canon (remember when it was all oooh and sneaky and kinda dirty? and did I ever tell you about that P/J fic I started back during S1 of Dawson's in which Tamara (remember her?) was a factor? No. Well. Pretend I never did.) but so ended that way and HA! WE WON!). Jack/Kate. Ephram/Madison. Ben/Felicity. Calvin/Meg. Michael/Sara. Anne/Gilbert. Jack/Ennis. Buffy/Spike (again. Weird to put them in this column). Logan/Veronica. Mulder/Scully.

Then the decidedly un-canonical - Harry/Hermione (which is battle that is not yet decided. but. just being realistic. to the death! i say.) Dan/Casey. Sloane/Cameron. Ephram/Colin. Michael/Liz. Danny/Martin. Crowley/Aziraphale.

Then there's the dirtywrong!incest - Boone/Shannon. Violet/Klaus. Dean/Sam.

Hmm. a)It's really all about the chemistry with me, isn't it? b)Fandom has corrupted me. c)How sad is it that no Alias made any of those lists? I was all over Syd/Vaughn. Then I was all over Syd/Sark. But by the end I was so heartbroken that I couldn't deal. They had killed one of my favourite couples ever. And fucking ruined Sark when they had him all crying over Lauren's body. Seriously and still - W.T.F?

- Good god in heaven, I'm in a GREAT fucking mood. It's like a six-foot, two-hundred pound weight has been lifted. Hee!

ETA - Hey, you Potterphiles! Does anyone remember if I ever wrote an essay about H/H which featured some rambling about understanding and/or trust?

I think I did, but I can't really remember. I wrote so much about them back in the FA thread days that I can't remember if it was an actual thing or just one of those posts that started out as a quick whatever and then turned in to, like, words upon words of analysis.

So...anyone? Bueller? the food of love, potter, rls: parker is awesome, rls: bitchiness

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