in your old room in your old house

May 03, 2005 22:30




First things first.

I LOVE DUNCAN. Always have done and OMG. Tonight?

That scene with him and Veronica? Blew me outta the water. Unfuckingbelievable. It was so awesome.

'You're my sister! And I knew it! Even after my mother told me and I tried to just cut you out of my life, but I love you! I tried not to, I tried not to, but it just won't go away!'

AHHHHHHHHHHH! I'm still jumping up and down and screaming and flapping my hands whenever I think about it. IT WAS AWESOME.

I love Duncan.

And his whole freak-out at the car?

Broke my damn heart.

I mean, yeah, bad things have happened to everyone on this show. But Duncan?

He finds out his girlfriend, whom he's in love with, is his sister (or, at least, that's what his mother - and I'm still not sure what's going on with her - has led him to believe). So he breaks up with her, with no explanation or anything and it's practically killing him.

Then, not a week later, his sister is murdered. And he has no idea where he was or what he was doing at the time of the murder - and he has a form of epilepsy where sudden, violent moodswings with black-outs are a symptom.

And on and on and on.

My poor Duncan.

Everything else - just.

Harry Hamlin continues to skeeve me out at every possible opportunity. OMG, something is going on with him, yo.

And he's totally the one that wired the poolhouse.


It was like whiplash, all the twu luv stuff, but that was more to set us up for the inevitable fall.

But, like I said, I really don't think Logan has any idea that the poolhouse is wired.

Wallace is such a woobie. Such a woobie.

Keith continues to kick ass.

And I really, really, really don't like Lianne. I don't trust her as far as I could throw her.

I just...she is somehow involved in the murder. Or the cover-up. Or both.

Or...I don't know, man.

But she really rubs me the wrong way.

What else?

I love Meg. I really do.

I loved the way they showed the party from everyone's perspective - but it was all the same thing.

Like - she did make out with Dick, but everyone saw it a different way. That's so what happens in life and I really really liked that aspect.

And who the fuck is she talking to in the preview when she says, 'You want me dead?'?!?!?!?!?!

I loved everything, and I really don't know of another show that has ever been this well put-together.

But, really?

Duncan made the ep for me.

Seriously. That scene he and Veronica had?


One of the best things I've ever seen on tv.

I still have not the faintest clue who killed Lilly, yo.

And that's the way I like it.

So...come on. Give it to me, Rob!

Only 164 hours to go!

idiot's lantern: veronica mars

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