another day I call and never speak

Feb 12, 2005 10:26

Since I didn't commit homicide at the bank this morning (I swear to God, this woman was maybe three inches away from me (when the accepted distance to leave between yourself and the person in front of you is, like, two-three feet, right? Like, whenever I shifted around to glare at her, I brushed up against her. TOO CLOSE, BITCH.) and hollering into her mobile about someone's pregnancy and labour and going into really graphic details that, really, strangers (at a bank. at nine in the morning.) really didn't need to know), I treated myself with a caramel machiato. Mmmmmm.

And this way, I won't have to worry about lunch, as I'll still be full.

In other news, I finally saw The Notebook.

Teh Goss and Rachel McAdams really had some chemistry, didn't they?

Also, this, quite possibly, made my week.

And I really can't decide what my favourite part is - the letter (omg the letter - brought to you by Details and Von Dutch and Blue Bell! and no matter how much money you earn, white trash is still white trash.) or the comments (omg the comments).

rls: bitchiness

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