stolen form
marchenland I want to know some things about my friends. Not silly stuff, though. I want to know what the people around me need, what they want, what makes them tick, what pisses them off. I especially want to know it about the people I see in my daily and weekly life, because it's about how the people want to be treated. But even if we've never met, feel free to answer. Many of these are based on real life incidents. Some are positive, some are more... challenging.
a) Be as thoughtful and specific as you want to be, but the more detail you go into, the better I (or other people) can understand you and how you tick.
b) Skip and / or add questions if you want to.
c) Answers are screened unless you say otherwise (last question - if you add questions, please move it to the end).
d) Repost if you want my answers, or others'.
1) What is your favorite type of gift? Hand-made? Expensive? Fleeting (like food)? Give examples, if you like.
2) Conversely, what kinds of gifts make you go, "Huh? What do I do with THIS?"
3) If someone knows something that will hurt or upset you, is it better for them to tell you or keep it to yourself?
4) If you're feeling down, what can people do to bring you "up"? Do you prefer gifts, talking about it, talking about something else, physical activity, a movie or something to take your mind off it, a punching bag, etc?
5) If you're on vacation with your significant other, and someone you used to date is in a terrible accident about which there is nothing you can do, would you prefer to know right away, or wait until you get home? (This is a weird one, but it happened to someone I know, and almost everyone is surprised that others have a different opinion than they do...)
6) If you are doing something that really irks someone else, would you prefer that they walk away from you, tell you directly, tell you indirectly (via an email, for example, or something similar that you can respond to or ignore), or something else?
7) What are your pet-peeves, particularly things your friends may do that really irk you, and how do you prefer to deal with them?
8) What are your "triggers" -- things that you REALLY can't be around, phobias, things that make you lose control, behave badly, or just generally have a melt-down? (Not everyone knows theirs, but I think everyone has them.)
9) List a few of your favorite topics to discuss with people.
10) And, list a few things you'd rather not talk about, or hear people talking about.
11) Along the lines of the "languages of love," how do you prefer that people show you that they care about you?
12) How do you best show people that you care about them?
**) Do you want these answers unscreened, or should they remain between just us?