Title: Together At Last
Characters: Eliot Spencer/Parker
Rating: NC-17 (for safety?)
Warnings: none
Length: 2335 words
Disclaimer: Not mine!
Summary: Finally, something had to give.
Note: Well, I finally did it. The final installment of this story that was never meant to be. What started out as a random ficlet I had the urge to type up turned into something a little more epic (to me, anyway) all thanks to the encouragement and kind words of you guys who have read it. I'm truly sorry that it's taken so long to get this written and up but I had the worst time getting this part written. It just didn't want to come out the way I was first trying it! That and the fact that I have NEVER written anything like this before, so I hope you guys like it. Like, REALLY have never written anything like this so I am truly terrified about what everyone will think! *hides*
So, thank you again for all your kind words and encouragement and to those of you who liked this little story of mine enough to fave or alert it. I REALLY appreciate it and I hope I can write other things in the future you'll all like just as much. *hugs!*
Master Post Chapter 8 - Together At Last