Dec 13, 2004 20:49
Do you ever go to school one day and people seem nicer to you than usual? Not just your friends but random people in your classes?
I went to school, normal, like any other day. People in my Algebra class we talking to me, asking me questions and paying attention to me. And the same in my history class. Actually paying attention. It was as if somthing really bad was going to happen to me and they wanted to make me feel better. It was being nice but AFRAID nice, like if they got too close I would explode. Or as if they knew somthing I didn't.
Two days after that the same people acted mean. Completely ignoring me and not listening. I guess the bad thing didn't happen to me and they were pissed that they had to be nice. School is weird like that, I mean, I like the days that I get attention but I know I am setting myself up for dissapointment the next.
very random I am sorry.
So I havent updated this in a while. Yes thanksgiving was AWSOME. I love it. DEFINITLY they best holiday! I was sad to leave but christmas is only in like 2 weeks so I will see them soon. I would be going earlier but I have a chorus concert on the 22nd, how ritarded. (yes I know I put rItarded, I did that on purpose, nobody says rEtard, if they do, then they are one) So anyway I gotta go, Teresa is screaming my name, pretending she is a baby crow. . . yay. bye bye