Sep 21, 2003 02:58
its 3:00 in the morning, and im deciding to write in here now..i had every intention of goin to sleep until marcia ran into my room after 5 guys walked into our now we can tell ange whos pissing on the seats...damned male species.
watched chicago with the girls tonight...I <3 kate and marcia...but kate has to stop popping sals balloon animals...just cuz he has a small sword doesnt mean we have to be mean to him..
on another note, doing laundry sucks and i need my mommy!!
"oh no not another breathalizer" i know u understand kate lol...stemming from a long night of reading dirty jokes hehe
badger badger badger badger badger badger badger badger badger mushroom mushroom...badger badger badger badger badger badger badger badger badger...oh no a snake a every1 has to go to google and type in badger song, download it and watch it...for hours
and just so every1 else knows, my roommates gone for the weekend and im sleeping naked..hahahaha just cuz i can, too bad i have no company but what r ya gunna do..
and at 3:20 im off to bed...alone =P