Aug 05, 2006 12:16
New Yorktown..............................................................................................................
Prior to leaving town I managed to hang with some of my alltime favorite New York State friends. My brother his wife and I managed to spend a quality day filled with drinking liquor and sodas and sharing old favorite stories of each other. We followed through with plans to see 'You Me and Depree". This movie plays out what is was like to live with my brother and his wife in their Watertown home. I also managed to spend a summer morning with Merryn and Taylor. We ate our breakfast to go on Taylors birthday. I got to see Merryns new apartment before the three of us went hiking in the Watertown hills. I went barefoot and stubbed the same sad toe numerous times. Planning hasn't ever been a procedure that I'm very good at. This time however, I feel as though I've done quite well. I even found time to drink with Eric Canan one last time in a local redneck bar. His lady friend and I played couch-back darts. This game is one that I made up. Sipping on my whisky and water, I excitedly explained how we had to play darts while sitting in a parallel facing couch. If one sat cross legged, then that counted as style points. The rules were fun to conjure up. My last day led me to working an eight hour shift filled with Network televisoin sports. Baseball and Golf almost put me sleep on my last day of master control operations.
Proceeding work in the television station, my folks picked me up in the car with perfect air conditioning. The three of us drove southward to Syracuse. We had possibly the best concluding conversation I could have asked for. And It's funny how I seem have the greatest conversations of my life in the car. On arrival to Andys', two guys and two dogs were argueing across the street. It was rather strange. My parents seemed freaked out by the hightened threats of ass kicking. I guess one guys' over grown dog nipped at the others' minature dog. The guy with the minature dog looked like he was on the verge of crying. Andy and I laughed a bit afterwards from the safety of the indoors. We hung out for the conclusion of the evening and well into the morning. Spent some time at his friend Shanes' house. Watched some Adult Swim cartoons and I drank all of Shanes' dad's beer. Stayed up all hours of the night. Come to think, we didn't sleep at all. I drank beer and Andy drank Coke. We listend to records all night and exchanged stories. Andy drove me to the station around 5 A.M. And I pretty much slept on both flights. M. Ward bounced around my dreams.
My arival went accordingly to schedule. Their wern't any delays on either flights. A good first time experience on a plane I must add. On my back, backpack full of albums and books. My left hand, my suitcase of obscure teeshirts. And in my right hand my guitar case. From the sky lit airport, I caught a fourty-five dollar taxi-van to the city of Denver. With my request and consent, my driver put the tuned in some kind of classic A.M country station. I heard Merle Haggard and Dwight Yokum in the same block. I laughed to myself. For nearly fourty five minutes, I leaned back and took in the wide open flat lands. With the helpful guidance of my future housemate Katherine, I had the foreign-friendly driver drop me off on 15th and California. I then proceeded to cough up two dollars to ride the 16 bus to Meade & Coulfax Ave. I walked down Coulfax past Lowell until and Katherine met me on Newton Street suburb. She offered to carry one of my pieces of luggage and I dismissed such offerings.
Katherine is a beautiful Colorado native. Studying to be an elementary school teacher, she works endlessly on school work far before it is assigned. The ideal student and the ideal roomate. She speaks with excited eyes and smiles constantly. We played ten hands of old made until she beat me 6 to 4. The past five days have been a real blast. It's been great being reunited with Paul. I forgot how good of friends we are. Our conversation seems like something pulled directly from a witty script. We both share a bragable sense of comedic timing. Spent the majority of yesterday together in the kitchen. He strummed on his classical guitar and I on my acousic. We sang Neutral Milk Hotel songs together until singing so loud and proudly that one of us would bust out laughing. My other roomate is named Dan. He's big into photography. He even has white light coming out of his bedroom fixture. He's of Mexican descent and quiet. Very agreeable. Pia apparently just moved in before I. She seems as though she's lived a rough life. She's missing here front teeth but still manages to smile a whole lot. Katherine suggests that Pia annoys her in the downstairs 'Women section of the house" My land lord isn't here. I heard through Paul that he is on some kind of meditation retreat in California.
I've had two interviews that went just as I had planned. I'm working on my third interview on Monday in Boulder. I got offered a job with a music company in Golden Colorado. My job will be to tour around with this music store introducing elementary school kids about orchestra instruments. My job will be to facilitate and monitor the introduction. Other that these leads, life is quiet. I guess Newspaper Clark is going to be in town on Tuesday. This is fuckin' gnarly. I look foward to playing acoustic and singing late night songs.
About a month ago, I found a group of like minded musicians that reside in the Denver area. I kept close contact with them. I explained how I was interested in contributing in their band. Well it just so happens that this band practices literally two blocks away from my Denver home. We have practiced a total of two times since my arrival and I am stoked about the results of sloppy indie rock home recording sessions. Last night, I witnessed our lead singers (Dave of the bass and vocals) play out with his other band called the "oh Hell Yesses". Four guys in their late thirties playing sloppy indie pop. Raleigh members including myself, Josh (of lead guitar) and David (of Fugazi drums) stood by. We drank water and awaited the conclusion of the short train wreck set.
Our band sounds a whole lot different from David's "Oh Hell Yesses". As opposed to bulky Built to Spill guitar jams, We sound more like a new ode to Pavements' Westing by musket and sextant. David (of the bass and vocals) shares a lot of simalarities with Steve Malkmus. He's a very nice guy. After each time playing a song, he manages to construct perfect positive and appropriate feedback. He's happy with me pretending to be Bob Nastanovich. He has allowed me to utilize his synth. Along with additional drums that I found in a music shop for half off. I also play the tamborine while jumping up and down excitedly. Tuesday, I guess I will get a microphone so I can start contributing
"bop bop bodda bop bop bop bop!"