survey from Jland

Mar 25, 2007 23:31

Here's where I got the survey: F4 love

Here are my answers:

■朝あなたの家に迎えにきたのは??■ Who came to pick you up in the morning on a school day?

B遅いよッッ??と顔が妙に近い類。B. Rui drawing his face up to yours and saying “What took you so long?”

■学校につきました。リリ-ズが絡んで来ましたッどうするF4ッッ■ So you arrived at school, and almost instantly the Lillies come making trouble. What is your guy going to do?

A俺の彼女に触れるんじゃねぇ━よブスッッ怖い…司 A. Don’t you dare touch my girl, bitches! -Tsukasa

■1時間目の体育が始まりましたぁ!■ First period, it’s PE!

Bあなたを大声で応援!!道明寺。B. Doumyouji cheers for you as loud as he can.

■1時間目が終わりました…。■ End of first period…

B大丈夫??しんどくない??と気にかけてくれた類。B. Rui worries and asks “Are you okay?” “Does it hurt anywhere?”

■2時間目は映画鑑賞、ホラー映画。暗い中…??■ Second period, you get to watch a horror movie in the dark…

B無言で手を握ってくる類。B. Rui grabs you hand without a word.

■3時間目は数学ですッッ■ Third period is math.

Bあなたの方をじっと見つめて大好きだよッッと小声で類。B. Rui stares at you and whispers “I love you.”

■4時間目は料理を作ろう家庭科ッッ■ Fourth period is home ec. You’re cooking today!

Cあなたとイチャイチャしながら作る西門。C. Soujirou makes it with you while flirting with you.

■完成⌒感想は…?■ What does he say after you finish cooking?

Cァ━ン♪西門。C. Soujirou opens his mouth wide.

■お昼休憩ですッッ■ It’s lunch break! (assuming you’ve already finished eating lunch)

D一緒にお散歩♪あきら D. Akira goes on a walk with you.

■掃除ですッッ!!あなたはトイレ掃除だけどもう一人の女の子が休み…■ Time for cleaning! The other girl who was suppose to help you clean the toilets is absent…

B俺も手伝うッッ女子トイレですが!!??類。B.I’ll help, even though it’s the girl’s bathroom. -Rui

■5時間目は席替えですッッ■ Fifth period, we change seats. (assuming it’s by random drawing)

Dあなたのくじと他の女子のくじとすりかえ席同じだねッて…あきら D. Akira switches the slip of paper that the girl next to him had with yours.

■学校は終わりですその時あなたに他の男子が屋上へ呼ぶ…■ After school, another guy calls you out to the rooftop.

A行くんじゃねぇよッ強引に手をひっぱる道明寺 A. “You aren’t going.” Doumyouji pulls your hand by force.

■他の男子に告白されたッッその時…■ But you go anyways, and that guy confesses his love to you. What’s next?

Aこれは俺様のだッッ人前でキスッッ… A. “She’s mine!” Doumyouji kisses you in front of others.

■そして登下校■ Finally, on the way home from school…

Bあれ…類は!!??校門で「まってたよw行こう?」と優しく手を引く。B. Rui waits by the school gate, and then takes your hand gently and you two walk home together.

■あなたの家の前です…■ You’ve reached your house.

Cまた明日なッッ☆キスしてきた西門。C. “See ya tomorrow.” Soujirou kisses you good-bye.

*credits to lily of Jland for the translations.

That was fun. HAHA.

survey, hyd2

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