HYD2: Episode 9

Mar 04, 2007 21:30

After 4 hours of battling with clubbox, I finally get to finish watching episode 9.


On to epsiode 9...

- Domyouji getting extra excited about holding Makino's hand.  Really, this guy is demented. I saw Rui and Soujiro's reaction, they were smiling.  And I think they weren't even in character when they smiled.  Because if you see Domyouji's excitement, you'll just go crazy laughing. HAHA.  He looks like a kid who just got a candy from his mother. So cute!!!

- The DATE. Oh my god. Inoue Mao and Matsumoto Jun really look good together. WAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH! *calms down* Okay, I just had to say that. haha. They look so so cute.  I just love how Doumyouji reacted when Makino paid for their food.  HAHA. He was so embarrassed. "The light is green. Let's go." HAHA. Love that line. And the great Doumyouji is afraid of dogs. LOL. Puppies, even. OMG, he looks so cute with the puppy!!! Short-lived but worth it. :)

- "Your money problem is....nothing!" OHMYGOD. I love that line from F3! They are such supportive friends I don't know what to say except, "YOU GUYS ARE SO RICH MAN!" Sugoi!!!!

- Rui and Tsukasa in one bed. OMG. Isn't that HOT or what?! *dies* LOL. But seriously, I love it when I see Rui and Tsukasa in one scene.  I love how they love each other. Their friendship is beyond whatevericannotpointout. HAHA. I love it. There are so many Rui-Tsukasa scenes in this episode. I love it. :)

- Doumyouji waking up from a dream. He's just wearing wifebeater, man. If that's not HOT, I don't know what is. <3

- THE RAIN SCENE.  It's sad sad sad. :( But it's so wonderfully done. Jun and Mao was fantastic. Congrats!

- F4 LOVE. They just love each other so much they have to brutally punch each other. It happened again. -__- Soujiro and Tsukasa only this time. Because Soujiro always have to rub everything in. LOL.

- And I just have to say this. KAEDA, DIE! You are such a LIAR!!!!

Episode 10 is love. :) I am so excited!!!!

When is next Friday?


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