Jun 12, 2010 00:54
I really felt nauseous when I inhaled the second-hand smoke from the jeepney driver on my way home. I found myself transferring seats and went to the space near the car pipe / exhaust pipe / tambutso (or whatever you call it really) and realized that I'd rather inhale the smoke belched by the jeepney than inhale second-hand smoke. Really.
Dear friends,
I hope you realize the bad (and sad) effect of smoking to your health. If your idol smokes, it doesn't really follow that you should enjoy smoking more. There are other ways to relieve yourself of stress. Idols, I do care about their health too. But they're not my friends, YOU ARE. If Obama already quit, I think you can do it too. You're not stressing over the problems of United States of America, right? I really don't judge people who smoke. Smoking doesn't make you a bad person. I am just concerned about your health, friend. You know the side effects. Do not deny it.
P.S. If I do sound like your mother, I'm sorry. Just saying. Comments disabled because this just serves as a reminder from a concerned friend. No arguments.