lunch date~5G~2010 elections

May 10, 2010 23:54


~ <3~

5G was epic. <3 We didn't expect that much people. It's truly overwhelming. Thank you to all those who came. Thank you to the core and staff. You know who you are and most of you are here in LJ. You guys are the best, seriously. <3 One fan asked us who funds these events / how do we organize these stuff. We don't do it for ourselves really, it's for all the deserving Filipino VIPs. <3

Me with the core and staff

The hosts, Lee Hyori and super cute Raphael (who idolizes TOP like shit). He's just 7. He's so adorable. *hearts all over*

the woman who will terribly miss.

The cake!

Me and the pastry chef! muahaa. the cake was so good that Mish took home the leftover. XD

Me and my GRI soulmate, Chem. <3

pics credit to NIna and Mheann from BBPH. PLease do not take anywhere else without crediting. 

~ <3 ~

Yes I voted. Had to wait for 4 hours in line. But I voted.
Tomorrow is another day.

jiyong x seungri, bigbang, love, bbph, life

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