1.4 2.0 2.8 4.0 8 15 16 23 42

Mar 03, 2006 00:53

You would have to be a lost nerd and know the f-stop scale to get any enjoyment whatsoever out of my subject.

Here's some good titles
"Sick from pills"
"The bad part"

I think I'll use the first one for my F3. What do you suckaducks think.

I just had to send a billion important emails instantly a couple minutes ago.
-(documentary subject) Miss Meis - about possible 80 dollar finger printing and permission slips
-(film school liason) Tony Ciarlariello - (yeah I speeled it correctly and he STILL gave me a bad grade in
his class) about permission slips and his enjoyment of a michel Gondry interview i sent everyone
-(acting teacher) France Patterson - about painting her house this weekend
-(documentary teacher) Valerie Scoon- about maybe having to write another documentary proposal

I think I'll send another one to Keith telling him how much help he was for the F2 today.

I've been using my Renton icon a lot lately. hmmm.

I fell like such a weakling for having hard day today.
1) I wake up sick and nervous about DPing today. I actually thought for the first hour I was just going to nervously throwing up on the floor.
2) Despite the rush and the difficulty of the shoot and having disagreements about things with people I didn't want to be disdainful of (it turned out I was SO RIGHT even though no one noticed it.) It seemed to fly by stressfully.
3) I left exhausted and only had 1/2 an hour to eat luch because I stuck around to talk to some of the guys. Keith said something weird to me. He said, "maybe you should work in construction" after I talked about loving to build houses in the Sims. None the less he seemed pleased and tiny bit flattered that I was so into lighting with him.
4) I thought I was too strung out too go to documentary class, but mom guilted me into it. I fell asleep during the documentary and was stiff and achey as a result. Class was supposed to be short, but we only left 20 mins early.
5) I considered not going to film genres at 7 but I went and had a C+ enjoyment of the movie Rex showed.
6) I came home exhausetd and worried about money. I balanced my checkbook and commiserated (sp?) with Lee about his having to go to Orlando and be interviwed by jerks from big theatres all over the country.
7) I started a fire in the kitchen by turning on the wrong burner on the stove and accidentally melting a tupperware to nothing. I mean a REAL fire. Thank God Nada and her study buddy noticed it. We also discovered we react much like Sims in this situation and just stand around going "uh, uh, uh!" Nada thought of the fire extinguisher but we discovered the one that the apartment provided for us was missing its little pin. I covered the fire with a pan lid buut the fire started coming out of the other burners and when I lifted the lid a fire ball bloomed out of it. We ended up just pouring water all over it and making a big mess. The smoke cleared out better than the kettle though.
8) There's no WAY I'm going to class tomorrow.
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