Be Young Men Together

Aug 02, 2010 10:26

Title: Be Young Men Together
Fandom: Inception
Pairing: Cobb/Saito
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: I don't own the characters. Inception belongs to Nolan and Warner Brothers.
Author's Notes: This is my first attempt at Cobb/Saito (which there's not enough of, and Saito fic in general) and I think it worked, but I'm not sure. Big thanks to metafic for her beta, fangie_yin for everything and to ibythetide for her encouragement. Takes place after the movie ends.


You want to ask why you. It's a question you've had since the moment he picked you for the inception. Perhaps it's because you were the best extractor (no longer, you've retired and there are others who are better now), but mostly you think it's because he could grant you that one thing you wanted more than anything. Technically that made it blackmail, but at the time (and maybe even now) you didn't care. Especially because, in the end, it all worked out.

Even though your share went to Yusuf, he didn't leave you wanting, not for anything. At first you didn't understand. Your bank account was never empty, but you'd stopped working. Hoping you could live on your savings, with a little help from your parents. But every month a few more (thousand) dollars took care of the bills, Philippa's private school, the cable, internet and basically everything.

It took you six months and an exasperated phone call to Arthur before you realized the answer was Saito. You couldn't understand why. You got the job done and you didn't deserve the money. You called Ariadne, mostly to talk about school, but she'd asked after the children, about you and somehow the topic of the money had come up.

"Maybe it wasn't about the job," she'd offered and you didn't have much of a response.

"I owe him, really," you'd said, feeling like there was something vital you'd missed.

Ariadne was quiet and you could almost see her thinking. "You saved him."

Silence and suddenly everything you've blocked out, that time in limbo. The years you spent trying to convince him to come back. The millions of times you died. It floods through you and you wonder why you stopped remembering. You think of Mal everyday, of your world, the buildings, the train. But not for a moment did you remember your second trip to limbo.

"Dom?" Ariadne's voice is worried and it brings you back to reality.

Everything makes sense now. "Thank you, Ariadne. I'll call you later," you said absently, trying to remember if you had Saito's number. She says goodbye, but you're already hanging up the phone.

In the end, you don't call him. You call his secretary and ask if there's any way he'll be in LA. She says yes, for a few days, do you want to meet with him? You hesitate, but then agree. You can't tell him to stop sending you money over the phone. You can't apologize for forgetting in a phone call.

You leave the children with your parents and take a taxi to the restaurant. You'd expected Japanese, but you suppose a French restaurant fits better. The tables are full, but no one glances at you as you're led toward the back. You see Saito, sitting alone at a small table. You reach into your pocket before you remember that you don't use the top anymore. You touch your finger, where your ring used to be. It's just soft skin against your fingers and you know you're awake.

The hostess holds out the chair for you and you cannot help but arch an eyebrow in surprise. She gives you a smile and you sit. You feel a bit like a child meeting with a teacher, but when you lift your gaze, the look on Saito's face is nothing short of affectionate. You don't remember why you were so worried. You open your mouth, but he holds up a hand.

"We order first." When he speaks, you realize you've missed him as much as the other members of your team.

You glance down at the menu, it takes a moment before you realize it's in French. But once you do, a small smile spreads across your face. You order chicken and a salad, Saito orders salmon and a bottle of red wine. The waitress disappears with your orders and menus and you finally lift your gaze again.

"You wanted to see me." His voice is shockingly soft and all you want to do is apologize, but you decide to save that.

You take a long sip of water before speaking. "The money ..." you start.

"Is a gift, you owe me nothing." He replies before you finish and you think of your conversation with Ariadne.

"I ..." But you don't really know what you want to say anymore.

Saito carefully unfolds his napkin, placing it on his lap. You do the same and for the moment you sit in silence. Your salad comes, along with the wine and for several minutes the food and drink occupy your time, your mouth.

"You do not remember?" Saito's tone has an edge to it and you look up.

"I remember." The words slide through your mind. You think of all the times he asked. About the way you asked him to come back.

Saito's voice cuts through the memories. "Let us be young men together."

You lift your gaze, but you don't say anything.

It doesn't seem to matter, because Saito starts talking again. "It's been said that those who dream for a living do not dream when they sleep. Is that so, Mr. Cobb?"

You can only nod. You don't remember the last time you dreamed properly. There's so much more you want to say, but it's obvious Saito's not done.

"Dreams are not my job," he says, pausing for a moment as your dinner is served. When the waiter leaves, he continues. "Therefore, when I sleep, I dream."

The food steams on your plate and you look through the thin mist at Saito's face. You think you know what he's implying, but you're not sure. You want to hear it. You need to hear it.

"Mr. Saito," you start, then take a sip of the red wine before speaking again. "What is it that you dream of?" You hold his gaze, waiting.

"You," he replies, then begins to cut the salmon on the plate in front of him.

Though it's what you imagined he'd say, now that it's there, hanging between you, you don't know what to do. Perhaps you should answer, but you're not prepared to. You finally drop your gaze to your chicken, but you're not hungry anymore. You spare a glance up at Saito and he's watching you.

"Me," you finally say, because you're not surprised. You just don't know what it means, not really. You start on your chicken and both of you eat in silence. You're halfway through your meal before you realize that you were actually still hungry.

The rest of the meal is eaten in silence. Periodically you glance up at Saito, finding him watching you, but you don't mind. The silence changes from awkward to comfortable as the evening progresses. Your phone buzzes and you glance down, a text from Philippa that makes you smile. You return the phone back to your pocket after promising to let her know if you're out past their bedtime.

Eventually you finish and your stomach clenches a little because you're going to have to discuss the fact that Saito, your former employer, the man putting money in your bank account, is dreaming about you. The staff clean away your dishes and you lift your gaze to Saito's again. He holds it, then speaks.

"Would you care to take a walk, Mr. Cobb?" It is clear that you could say no, that you could walk away without any consequences, but somehow along the way you've decided that you're not going to walk away.

You nod, because it's the only response that seems appropriate. You follow Saito out of the restaurant, a side entrance. There's a car waiting and you're glad you took the taxi. Saito gets in and you follow, settling into the seat. He leans forward, talking to the driver and then leans back.

"Where are we going?" you ask, pulling out your phone and texting Philippa that you're going to be out later than you expected.

Saito smiles and you find that you've missed him, more than you could ever imagine. "I know of a place."

Philippa texts back, saying she and James are going to stay up late and have ice cream. You reply that you hope they have fun. You glance over at Saito, but decide silence is better, at least for now. You turn toward the window and you can feel his gaze on you, so you turn back. There's so much you want to ask, so many questions you want answered, but you can't bring yourself to say anything. Again.

Then the car stops and the doors open. You step out and you're in some part of LA that you've never been. Behind Saito is a lush garden, illuminated by paper lanterns. He walks toward the gate and you follow, shoving your hands into your pockets. For a moment you think you're in a dream. You stumble to a halt as you enter the gardens. Saito stops and turns, and you realize this was one of the hundred scenarios where you died before you could bring him back.

"You're not going to shoot me?" you ask, a hint of a smile on your face.

Saito shakes his head, sharing your ghost of a smile. "Come with me," he says and you follow.

The gardens are beautiful, much more so than down in limbo. There's so much life that you have no problem believing you're awake. Saito leads you down a path, which ends in a bench. He gestures for you to sit, and you do. He settles down next to you.

"I forgot everything." The words just slip out of you. You turn slightly, facing him.

"As did I." There's honesty written across his face and suddenly you hate yourself for forgetting. For not being there when he needed you.

You turn away for a moment. "The money?" you ask again.

"A gift, as I said before." You turn back toward him, but he goes on speaking. "It was a way to keep us connected."

You open your mouth, then shut it. You think about all the effort you put into tracing the money. All the time and energy you spent tracking the source down. You look at him, surprised and a little impressed.

"You could have called." Traces of a smile play across your mouth.

Saito glances out into the gardens, then back at you. "I would have imposed."

"So you started giving me money so I'd trace it and then find you?" You cannot hide your amusement.

Saito rewards you with a smile. "You always liked a challenge, Mr. Cobb."

You think about the time you shared in limbo, the moments where you were young men together, before Saito killed you, or ordered you dead. You think about the look you exchanged on the plane, before he made his phone call and before you remembered your children.

"You should have called," you say, voice soft and you wonder if you're going to regret this. You haven't, not with anyone, since Mal died. You can hear her voice, sweet and loving in your ear. Be young men together, she whispers as you rest your hand against Saito's cheek and kiss him.

inception, saito, cobb

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