(no subject)

Jul 12, 2006 01:18

Hello everyone, I "live" in LA now for an unspecificied amount of time. LA, a place other californians call "out there". REFERENCE. and if you didn't catch it, the woman who played harper lee in Capote, is the love interest in 40 year old virgin. now here is my vocabulary list:

extemporize- improvise
diaphanous- light, delicate
tacit- implicit without spoken
equivocal- ambiguous
quip- a witty remark
flippant- not serious
MSG- monosodium glutamate
chevalier- a knight, chivalrous man
rapacious- aggressively greedy
ersatz- not real, bad replacement
compendium- systematic collection
ipso facto- by that very fact
bellwether- leader of a movement
shamble-awkward gait/shuffling
gait-person's manner of walking
Parthian Shot- hostile remark at departing
confluence-an assemblage, junction
rigmarole- meaningless ritual
insipid- boring
contentious- likely to cause argument
coterie- small group of likeminds
affectation- artificial trying to impress
pastoral- associated with country life
elate- make ecstatic
chicanery- the use of trickery
defenestrate- to throw out of a window
perfunctory- with little effort/thought
cavil- make petty objections, quibble
reflexive- without conscious thought
martinet- strict disciplinarian
spurious- fake purporting to be real
pastiche- artistic work that imitates something
aggrandize- raise in power/status/wealth
catachresis- incorrect use of a word
gestalt- whole that is more than sum of parts
saccharine- excessively sweet
undulate- to fluctuate, waver
pejorative- expressing contempt
stripling- young man
caveat- specific stipulations
importunate- persistent to annoyance
snip- insignificant person
languid- relaxed/ faint
acerbic- (of speech) sharp and forthright
theriac- cure-all
odium- widespread hatred
ab initio- from the beginning
carpe diem- seize the day!!!
minutia- the small, trivial details of something
salubrious- health giving
demagogue- political leader appeals to prej
windfall- unexpected good fortune
bellicose- pugnacious
offhand- offensively nonchalant
cavalier- showing lack of proper concern
ad nauseam- repeated until tiresome
meme- cultural element passed on
Faustian Bargain- deal with the devil
sanguine- cheerfully optimistic
tact- keen sense of what to do to avoid offense
savoir faire- tactful, socially sure
adroit- skilled in using hands or mind
superego- self-critical and mindful of taboos
ego- mediates consciously between id/super
id- unconscious desires
renunciation- formal rejection
apostasy- renunciation of political/religious
pundit- expert in a field able to inform public
adept- skilled or proficient, noun or adj
patina- an impression of something, a sheen
extrinsic- coming from outside, not natural
aplomb- commanding sureness
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