(no subject)

Jan 25, 2009 07:42

There's some friction lately in our household. See, Steve does not like Obama, not one bit, and I'm excessively pleased to have him as ou new president. It's really bringing to the front the schism between our political views. And I do not have the vocabulary to deal with it.

You've probably heard of Obama's lift of the "ban on abortion funds." I was elated to hear about this. It was a stupid, stupid ban. Alright, so it isn't the Top Priority among the huge mess we're facing here in the US. Still, it's something small and immediately accomplishable. Pleasing to see Obama taking such a decisive step in his very first days in office.

Steve's response? "Great, just what we need to be doing. Sending more money out of the country." Oh, so freaking negative. And this is different from the money we're funneling into an endless war, murdering and destroying? How? How is it different? And don't give me any of that bullshit about "safeguarding the freedom and security of our nation."

But of course that's exactly the kind of crap he would start spouting.

In other news, I got this off of Pharyngula. Enjoy.

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