Friday Nate woke up with a fever: 101.6. I called the day care to let them know neither one of us would be in, and made a doctor's appointment. Normally, I wouldn't bother; he's 18 months old this week, and a low fever is hardly something to get worked up about on the first day. However, we have a few cases of
Hand, Foot, and Mouth disease in Nate's class, so I thought it prudent to check. If it was HFM, then we'd both be home for about a week. Mommy needs some serious prep time to survive a week at home with a sick child.
Unfortunately, until the characteristic sores develop, there's no way of knowing whether its HFM or a cold or anything else. So they took his temp--102 F--gave him a check up, and sent us home.
Saturday morning, Nate woke up a little late, but right as rain in April. No fever, no sores, no nothing; just a surprisingly decent appetite.
A day's work missed, for a one-day fever. (-.-)
Guess what I got, yesterday afternoon? A fever.
I spent all night shaking and aching in bed with a 102 F fever. I didn't eat supper--me, skipping a meal!--I didn't even want my popcorn, and not a night goes by that I don't have a bag of popcorn. And all Steve could manage was to bitch and moan about having to put away all of the dishes himself, and feed Nate, and put him to bed, and do all this work without me helping him. You know what happens when Steve's sick. Nothing. I do everything myself, and take care of him, too, and do all his chores, too, which is par for the course anyway... his bitching really pissed me off last night. I've got a 102.6 FEVER! What the hell??? Men are such f*@&ing babies.
I'm staying home from work today. Just like Nate, I woke up this morning fever-free (at least, it was down to 99 f, which is high for me, but not really a “fever”). Still, I'm weak, shaky, and sore. Not a good condition to be in, if you have to take care of rambunctious two-year-olds.
So, today’s plan: Off from work, catch up on chores, vacuum the apartment, call the vet, email PSU about those craptastic online tutorial videos, and rush off to another doctor’s appointment at 4pm, also for Nate, to update his vaccinations. A lot to get done when I’m still ill.
While I know that I don't have HFM, I'm still putting myself on quarantine for the rest of the week. No shopping, no mall, no eating out, no traveling, no friends over. If Nate & I are still symptom-free by Friday, I'll resume socialization for the weekend.