I had to share, this was too well put.
"I can tell you right now why John McCain has twelve fucking pets, despite spending all his time on the road and campaigning and being an awful senator and trying to come up with something so ridiculous that the press won't call him on it*. You want to know why? Because his wife's a bajillionaire and they have SIX FUCKING HOUSES, that's why. When you have six fucking houses, you need a lot more pets to make sure there are pets in each one.
"It's funny how that part never gets mentioned in fellatious press pieces like this. John McCain loves animals so much he has twelve of them! He's such a regular guy! He must REALLY love houses, then. I bet that makes him even more like the rest of us. Hey, with the foreclosure crisis, maybe Cindy can pick up a few more houses for them on the cheap. Then they can get a few more cats, a komodo dragon, and an ocelot. And we can identify with them even more." --from
http://www.youaredumb.net/node/1111 In other news:
PA has a professional web site for Child Care Professionals (aka Underpaid Diaper-Changers): www.pakeys.org
I've been on it quite a bit lately, trying to figure out how to get me some free continuing education. Wouldn't you know? PSU has come to the rescue. They have a program called "Better Kid Care" that offers supplemental instruction units as web-based training. I've signed up for three of them: "Biting and Sharing", "Supporting Stressed Children" and "Violence, Kids, Discipline, and Keeping the Peace".
They became active yesterday, and the site is down for maintenance today. Bummer. But I did download the training manuals as PDF files, so I've been reading through them. They're a hefty ten pages each (ooooh, aaaah) and offer such world-shattering information as "children bite when they are angry" and "stressed children may have tantrums."
I paid $5.00 a piece for these lessons. I'm wondering if I've overpaid. :-P
Maybe the instructional videos will be better. Have to wait until the site comes back online before I can find out, though. In the mean time, I'm left trying to rummage whatever useful advice I can from the training manuals.
And I got up at 5:30 in the morning to do it. YEY.