Hehehehe..but idk why.

Nov 13, 2005 15:46

Yesterday I went to India Fest w/ dad, achukaka, and elango uncle.I had fun, I met up w/ manu and priyakka there. The dances were awesome. The food wuz good but omg the stuff wuz EXPENSIVE!! David, I wuz going to bring u some indian food seeing how u loved it so much the first time that ur face turned red! Before that I had to go to a funeral =( I cried wen the lil' kids went up there to say something. It wuz honey's birthday yesterday too. Happy b-day. Came back from the funeral and slept..for a loooong time. OH and I saw Regina's dad..he waved (cant believe that he had the nerve to wave) and I rolled my eyes at him. I woke up and went to India Fest. That wuz pretty much my day yesterday. Today I went to church [history class..its an inside joke ;)] and after out to eat at Fl. Buffet w/ christy, her bro, samson, pastor and wife , pastor's kid and wife and kid. And i got back an hour ago. Well i g2g dad's calling me. I'll post later.
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