Jul 15, 2004 16:31
lj is gay and said that my comment for nikki was to big so I made it into an entrie, hun this one ios for you cause I dont know what ur e-mail is......
1. Who are you?, yeah that's right give me a name, lol. Jenni
2. Are we buddies? What's our relation? More than buds, like sisters
3. Give me a nickname and explain why you picked it. to tough a question, I have a slow mind
4. How long have you known me? (I mean really known me) uh one school year
5. And honestly how how well do you know me? I think really well, we became friends fast
6. When and how did we first meet? Gym class- hey look you can see up mikes shorts
7. What was your first impression of me?(good i hope) She is so sweet and innocent (you know what they say, never judge someone the first time you meet them)
8. Do you still think that way about me now?hell no you kiddin me! well u are sweet but innocent, maybe in your dreams haha
9. Is there anything that reminds you of me, and what?hmmm, the beach and naked people, and maybe the beach and naked people mixed, evry single Neon I see, and I cant help but think of how much fun a neon really is.
10. If I was an ice cream flavor, which would I be and why?strawberry causde it is pink! and it makes you all happy and makes u smile
11. What makes me happy?( Yes i can be happy)me
12. What makes me sad?( besides everything)stupid people and when u get in fights with the one you love since you love him so so so so so much
13. What song (if any) reminds you of me?You ARE my favorite underwear
14. If you could give me anything what would it be?all the happiness money could buy
15. Do you consider me a good buddy? Huh?Huh?girl u are my only buddy hah
16. When's the last time you saw me?um sunday, wow that was a while ago, whats going on its thursday and nwo I am at my moms and I wont see you until next monday! ahhhh
17. Ever wanted to tell me something but couldn't?Not that I cant think of I can tell you ANYTHING!
18. Describe me in one word.AMAZING!
19. Do you think our friendship is getting stronger/weaker/or staying the same? Stronger
20. Do you feel that you could talk to me about anything and I would listen and truly understand?yes
21. Do I cross your mind at least 1 time a day? at least once and at the most 999999999999992929292921 times a day, but thats kinda weird, i was afraid to tell you that ooppss, i am kinda obssessed with you, its not just fernando.
- am i cute? yea
- am i wild and crazy? yea just like me ;)
- am i lovable? yea
- am i humorous?yea
- am i annoying? when u whine and I am tired
- am i daring? yea
- am i a good person? yea
would you..
- would you hug me? yea
- would you miss me if i was gone? yea a ton
- would you kiss me? (come on you know u would, lol jp)hmmm yea
- would you listen to my problems? yea
- would you be a good friend? yea
- would you be my best friend? yea
would you ever..
- would you ever go out with me? yea
- would you ever do it again if you already have? yea
- would you ever marry me if you could? yea baby it is legal in MA, lets go! wooh ooo wedding bells are ringing!
- would you ever talk bad about me if we ever broke up?yea
- would you ever snuggle with me? ( im cuddly right?)yea (ok kinda weird)
if you could..
- if you could do one thing with me, it would be?(jen and ash dont answer this u sickos i know what ur gunna say, lol, u to adam) :( I wasnt going to be dirty..... haha who am I kiddin yes I would have been!
- if you could kidnap me for a day, where would we go? Paris, and speak francais!
just a few questions..
- what do you love about me? Everything u are awesome nikki really u are
- what do you hate about me? cant think of anything really
- what is my best quality? ur smile ( dp it more often)
- if you could change one thing about me, what would it be?( and u cant answer everything, thats not nice, lol) umm yea.... ??????
- do i remind you of any characters on tv? jessica simpson but everyone thinks I am crazy, you guys have the same eyes i am sorry i really think you have the same eyes!
- have you ever had a dream about me? umm sometimes I have wet dreams about you but we talked about that, i swear its a medical problem!
- if you could give me anything, what would it be?(come on give it to me) I told you happiness all the happiness, cause u are awesome when u are happy ( not that ur arent awesome when u are sad i am just saying)
- if you could promise me anything, what would it be? BBF
- am i ugly, average, decent, good looking, beautiful, etc.?Beautiful
- if you had to describe to someone who i am and what i am like, what would you tell them? wild and crazy and awesome and the funnest, nicest, best person ever to be around. SHe can make you feel like a million bucks and that just by signing with you in the car, nikki hun you dont have to do much to make me feel great abnout myself.
- what are my faults? whining
- what are my strengths? whining( somehow adam always comes running) haha jk i love yopu adam
- do you wish we were closer? sure but i already feel really close to, if we get any closer it could be lesbianess and I am not down with that sorry
I deleted the l;ast question, it was dumb, I didnt like it and it was not applicable in any way to our realtsionship. kk hun ttyl! muah bye