Jun 26, 2004 16:01
He is sooo cute!!!!!!!!!
Last night I came home from work and called Mozart like he had asked me to. We talked for a while and he had me call him back a few times. Anyways he asked me if I wanted to go out to breakfast with him this morning. Of course I said I did. So he came and picked me up at like 10:35ish. He is adorable, he like made reservations, either just to be cute or because maybe he thought bickfords was a nicer place than it actually is but it was still cute that he did it. So we ate breakfast and talked and laughed. It was nice. I dont know if it is considered a date like i paid for my half of the meal and he paid for his but it was just the both of us. I think it was more of a getting to know each other thing,which is fine since we dont really know each other that well at all. But then when we were leaving he went and opened the car door for me, which was sweet and shut it for me. He is so nice and cute. I mean he is kind of diffrent from what I thought he would be like but it isnt a bad diffrent. But anyways I have work tonight which should be fun. lol. Last night was weird at work. Fernando came in and manuel quit, there was a new hot kid and i found out we hired this other hiot kid who is wicked nice and comes in there all the time. Loreiny thinks work should turn from its boring self to be very interesting now....... I always thought it was interesting before. I like it better when working with not alot of people. I dont know why. I wish that nikki could get her trnafer over there, i KNOW that would be interesting, actually hun I dont think David could handle us together hhaha.
This summer I have been spending alot of time with Nikki and Adam. I love them. They are the cutest couple and they both love eah other with unconditonal love. It's crazy how in love they are. In one perspective it gives me hope and something to look forward to, the day I am that in love with someone. But on the otherhand it makes ne want a boyfriend more and more and kinda makes me relieze I am alone. But I love the both of them, I now that I became friends with just Nikki in health class but I feel close to Adam also, he is such a sweet guy. I feel as though they would both be there for me if I ever really needed it. Muah- thats for you two.
Allison- I have some socks for you.................
Anyways Nikki is coming to pick me up soon so I can go to work so I will write when I have something good to say....... buhbye......