Mar 10, 2007 19:48
In work news, no news about my promotion. Lol, how do I lacked informations? Whatever tho. We're getting in a new slew of employees lately, and I'm doing an awesome job at merging with them. Woot. Also, Plumbs has been a bitch all week cause we're behind and noone gets us caught up, cept me. Ah well lol.
In misc news, Martins last night. Much guitar hero and mario kart was played. However, this might be the last Martins day at the actual Martins! Then we'll have a... whatever our apartment is. Weird. Also, I've been playing a large amount of Halo lately. Nothing wrong with that, shooting people is good. I saw Ol' Larry at work today, he was like, "Hey guyz! R U moving out? U want some end tables?" and I happily agreed for free stuffz. Yay for free!
In social news, I skipped yoga all week cause it costs money! Boo for money! Ashley keeps calling me, but I keep missing her calls. Sucks. I gotta stop dropping the ball. Also, me and Bri had another date on Wednesday. Fun stuff. Two movies at home and a gift certificate for some restaurant. Yay for free!
"Oh hey! Why don't we write penises on the windows, put some stickers in your car and write niggers backwards on your window! How do you like it, Jace?"