First day in Avignon waiting around for our rooms at the YMCA to be ready. That's dear Gregory in the foreground. (The one that reminds me of you, Jeremy.)
We went to Avignon to see the theater festival, so there are a bunch of people running around in weird ass costumes telling you to go see their play.
My AWESOME invention for keeping the door open. It was hot as balls in Avignon, and it's France, so there's noooo air conditioning. Restaurants advertise themselves by saying that they're air conditioned, no joke.
We have no idea what this means. Gregory thinks maybe "watch out for zombie crossing." In any case we passed it multiple times a day on the 20 minute walk into and out of town. Avignon is a very small fortified city and the walls there have been in place since the 1300s or something crazy like that. It's extremely cute. We stayed across the bridge from it and had to walk there in the easily 90 something degree heat with no shade. It actually wasn't so bad.
The first stop on Sam Van Dam the Hamsterman's (alcoholic) caravan to Amsterdam's Hamsterland. Basically we had a day in Avignon with nothing to do so we went drinking. Yes, I did drink. This is "Le Bar Koala" (The Koala Bar).
Let's get this caravan rolling with ManPan, Shar-poo, and G-Noodle! We use only aliases on this caravan.
After about 4 rounds of beer, they got hungry so we went somewheres else. Shar-poo is excited.
I never found out what this place was called. I didn't drink there because that would not have been a good idea. G-Muffin is lookin cool. I threw up for the second time here.
G-Muff is shit at taking pictures.
This was actually taken after I threw up so I was feeling better, but boy do I look drunk. Oh yeah, we're back at the Koala Bar. Cool place, French Mtv is playing to bad mixes of black eyed peas and sometimes 80s and early 90s american pop. Choice of videos: Tonight, Tonight - Smashing Pumpkins, comething by Oasis, Common People - Pulp. The bartendress was cool, bought us a round. I wish I had taken a picture of her.
Greg face literally took 17 pictures of himself like this on my camera, and even more on Sharon's.
They were a wee bit hungover at the train station. Oh did I mention that the caravan started before 11? Yeah, it did. And we were the last people to get on the bus, and it rained all the walk home. We were soaked.
Of course Sharon has better pictures, one of which is me smiling radiantly just moments before I had to go to the bathroom to throw up. The caravan was a rousing success, I'd say!
Drink count: 7 beers for G-Nood. Probably 5 for Shar-poo, and 4 beers and a vodka for me. I got a wee bitty sicky. Vomit count: 2. Greg fell asleep twice at the train station, in the above picture, right next to a coffee spill and a lot of people were somehow really worried about that. He likes to pretend he's not our friend, but he sooo is.
So besides all that in Avignon I went to see plays. I almost saw Naitre, the world premiere of the new Edward Bond play (he is for some reason REALLY popular in France). That would have been cool as I studied him last semester in modern Brit drama, and I was feeling particularly excited about seeing a baby get thrown into a wall, sticking, and then slowly sliding down the wall. But it got rained out. I only saw the first scene. :( We also saw "Guantanamour", which was Guantanafuckingterrible. I actually just didn't watch it and preferred to daydream the whole time. It was about an American soldier and a detainee in Guantanamo who become friends, and then they get shot in the end. The guy playing the American soldier was more French than American and was really just a shitty actor. If you wish I can do my impression of him next time you see me. Then I saw Human (Articulations) which was interesting as it involves acrobatics and climbing and crazy shit going on, I wasn't really paying attention to the dialogue, but it was fun to watch. I think I saw one of the most beautiful things in my life when the guy hung down from the frame and a girl reached up and grabbed his hand and they proceeded to complete an array of acrobatic holds and maneuvers slowly and in complete silence. It was like watching love. Just beautiful. Then I saw Battutta, which was a horse show. It was pretty sweet what some of those people could do on the running horses, backflips, going under the horse and such. Too bad Gwen wasn't there, she loves horses. :(
After the Naitre debacle, Gregory and I went and I had my first beer (Hoegaarden). He was freaking out because he's a complete beer nerd, he could be a judge if he took the test. He even makes his own. We just drank and I went on and on about stupid shit. I really don't know why he doesn't shut me up sometimes. It was nice. On the walk back, I did the "sexy" walk (think Tino's dance class), and I got a honk, a really nice big, enthusiastic honk. Lol. He showed me his "luxurious" walk. He did not get a honk. Avignon was aight.
Oh and just so I don't forget, Sharon almost blurted out "duh, girl we don't like" to this girl who said something stupid. It was too funny.