Oct 16, 2008 00:12
So I haven't updated in a while.
My International Law midterm was on Tuesday, and it was actually okay. But then I said that about another one which ended up disasterously last semester, so we'll see how this actually goes. I already know that I got two matching questions wrong, another two matching questions right, and one part of a six-point question wrong. I also handed in my paper, a week late, with a flaky excuse. I think the professor knows it's a flaky excuse. Oh well; at least the danged thing's over with, although it should have been that way a week ago.
I have another midterm tomorrow. It's going to be interesting. I've studied for it today (and I will continue to after I post this), so let's see how it turns out.
I went to a meeting of a club of which I have just applied to be a member (the rules state that you have to attend two meetings before you can apply; then your membership is looked at by the executive board - it's pretty much just a formality). Towards the end, a side conversation got out of hand and some heated words were exchanged. At one point one of the parties in the argument even said the exchange was "a [skin] colour issue" which, I think any reasonable person there will tell you, it was most certainly NOT. It didn't start out that way and I don't think it ended that way. But what did happen was that it put my mood 'off' all afternoon. Stupid people who argue...
But as I walked to the uni library - which is enroute to my house - after the meeting, I reflected on an argument I'd had with my mother fairly recently (think a few days ago) and wondered how it made her and my dad (who happened to be sitting nearby through the whole thing) feel. I mean, I didn't even participate in the disagreement at the meeting today except to display my shock at that one person's insinuations about skin colour, but my mood was affected. Back to my personal argument, I came to feel, very strongly, how words said can't really be taken back even after you mull on them later. I wished I had a inbuilt calming system that I could use at need, and that made me think of characters like Tuvok and Spock, who have a tight grip on their emotions (yes, I know it's because of their very nature as Vulcans, but bear with me here ;)). Even when I know that I ought to take a calming breath while I'm in the middle of an argument, I often don't want to then. Later, I end up kicking myself for not doing so.
Speaking of Tuvok and Spock, guess what I saw in the library today (and I mean the library my family is a member of privately, not the uni library)? An autobiography of George Takei! Heh, I almost wrote Hikaru Sulu, but there you are; that's what you get when you read just a bit of the book enroute to the Star Trek section when you first see it ;P. It was right next to the autobiography of Rabindranath Tagore, the Indian poet I intend to write my English paper on this semester. Last names starting with 'T' made them strange shelf-mates.
general ponderings,
star trek,
books in general,
french life