toto, i don't think we're at uh anymore.

Jul 04, 2006 14:50

happy fourth of july! i wish i was home to be eating hot dogs and ooooohhhing and aaaaaahhhhing at fireworks (and nearly getting killed by stray ones) with sarah and stephanie. =/ in honor of the 4th, i visited the paris location of the statue of liberty (yeah, france gave that to us).

i woke up at 6 fucking 15 in the morning, out the door at 7:30, hopped on the #4 train to school. before today, i never experienced the metro in the morning; we were packed in there tighter than pickles... oy vey.

so i got to school and found out my placement, my prof., etc. the class has a mixture of americans, koreans, japanese, one egyptian dude, a bitchy persian girl and c'est tout. the prof only speaks french, and we're expected
to only speak french as well. she gave us our assignment, and i asked the girl next to me (in english) a question about the assignment... the fucking bitch was like "non, non, non... en francias!"

what a fucking nerd. bitch you ain't french! you're an american. from newark for christ's sake.

i think the class will go well - i was surprised that i understood the prof and did the assignment without trouble.

the best part has to be the campus. the school was founded it 1250 and it's so amazing to walk around the campus and think of the people who went there: st. thomas aquinas, victor hugo and the fucking pope ('xuse me lord).

center of campus...
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