Have I got news for you (THE END)

Dec 28, 2014 11:15

Title: Have I got news for you
Series: Love hurts
Written by: Parishs
Rating: r-ish
Summary: We are going to look in all the guys' heads today.
Prompt: Fun Fic Friday prompt of Have I got news for you (01-16-2015)
Disclaimer: I own nothing
Warning: English is not my native language, unbeta-ed.

Here's the last chapter of my FFF-following story I wrote last year. I never thought I could write so much! Thanks for all my loyal stalkers to read and comment every week.

In this last chapter all the guys are mentioned, we see things from each perspective.



The whole ride back we were quite, because what was there to say? Scott and I had been talking for a while in an office at the police station, he apologized over and over again and all I wanted to do was take him in my arms. I saw how lost he was.

When they released Reg we all exhaled. God he looked grey, and old. He looked my way and I kissed his cheek while I hugged him.

“I am so happy that you are okay”, I whispered in his ear.

I felt that he shook his head. “I am not Luke”, he said softly.

“You will be soon Reg”, I said and took a step back. “Now apologize to Scott and we are all free to go. We are going to have dinner together and then we’ll see where Scott wants to go”.

“What do you mean?”, Reg asked.

“He can’t go home I guess, since he wrote a 10-page letter to his girlfriend about his gay feelings. But he needs to talk to her before you can….”.

“Before I can what Luke?”, he asked. “You think that I am going to pull him in my house and have fun with him? Do you have any idea what is happening inside my head? He is not the only guy here who’s confused. I have no idea what to say to him or how to feel about him".

“Maybe you need to figure out what you want and then talk to him Reg”, I said. “Just…..I can’t give you any advice baby, but what I know is that he is in love with you, and as far as I can see it it’s mutual. So if I can make an assumption, then I’d say you will be together in no time”.

“Doing what? I don’t want a relationship”.

“Maybe he doesn’t either Reg, maybe he needs time to discover the scene, take a Grinder account, nose around a bit”.

I smirked when I saw the shock on his face.

“What?”, I asked. “You don’t want him so he is free to explore the huge Oakdalian gay scene , right? Chicago, New York, who knows where he wants to go, what he needs. Now he has finally admitted to himself that he also likes guys he may be unstoppable. Like you were”.

“Are”, Reg said softly.

“Right, well maybe you can show him how it works then, how you use Grinder and seduce guys in a club. Watch him when he walks home with a guy, do you want that?”.

Reg shivered. “No”, he whispered.

“Then what do you want?”, I asked softly.

“I want to kiss him and take him in my arms”, Reg whispered.

“But first you have to apologize to him”, I said and pushed him in Scott’s direction.

It was cute to look at two grown up men who didn’t dare to look at each other. They didn’t know what to say or how to behave. Finally Reg started to talk.

“I’m sorry for punching you”, he said softly.

Scott was the first one looking up. “Why the fuck did you do that? I got 3 stitches”.

A small smile curled the corners of Reg’s lips upwards.

“Wow, three”, he smirked and finally had the guts to look at what he had done. With his finger he touched Scott’s blue eye.

“I’m so sorry Scott”, he said worriedly. “I never hurt people you know, but you ignited an anger in me I couldn’t control. I am so very sorry and I promise you it will never happen again”.

Scott seemed to shiver under Reg’s touch, but he didn’t give in yet.

“I asked you why, answer me. I have a right to know why you were so mad, and don’t play with me this time, say it”, he growled.

When you looked closely at them you could discover a kind of rite of passion between them, the way they tried to control their emotions. Neither didn’t want to be the first to admit their real feelings and it was good, they had to take their time, so I grabbed Reid’s hand and pulled him out of the office.

“Let them talk”, I said and turned my head to the sun. “We both know how hard it can be to give in, we have to wait till one of them is going to break. My guess is it’s going to be Scott, he isn’t as stubborn as Reg is, he won’t be able to keep his hands to himself. Did you see how he leaned in to Reg’s touch although he didn’t want it? It was so adorable”.

Reid squeezed my hand. “You are such a romantic”, he said and pulled me into his arms.

“Am I?’, I asked.

Reid nodded. “You want everyone around you happy, you almost pushed Reg into Scott’s arms. But I can live with that, as long as I am the one you are going to be romantic with”.

“You want romance? Courting? Rose petals on your bed? Me with a rose in my mouth?”.

Reid smirked. “I don’t think romance is really my thing and you know it, I am too rational to enjoy that and too neat to like flowers in my bed, but I have admit that if you need that I’ll make a note in my organizer to buy you chocolates. Or a watch. Whatever you want. As long as you are prepared to give me your body”.

“So it’s all about sex between us?”.

“That’s not what I said Luke, but I am not good at the romantic stuff and you knew that before we started something, so don’t ask me to be someone I’m not”.

“I was joking Reid, don’t get so upset, I love it that you want me so much. And I know you would walk through fire for me, I know it’s not just physical”.

I pulled him close and kissed his lips. “Kissing you is so wonderful”, I said.

“Fucking you is even better”, Reid whispered.


When he touched my sore eyebrow with his finger I shivered. Although I wasn’t ready to give in I felt my heartbeat increase. Smelling his unique scent brought back memories I treasured, of a time when I laid in bed with him. A time when I knew what I felt for him but somehow couldn’t give in. I had been pushing my feelings away, but I couldn’t do it anymore. Now he stood in front of me and begged me for forgiveness with his eyes I didn’t want to hide anymore.

“I love you”, I whispered. I had said those words many times, but just now I realized the depth of them, the feelings that belonged to a statement like that.

I couldn’t have shocked him more I guess, he shook his head lightly and blinked with his eyes.

I grabbed his hands and kissed his knuckles. “Yes Reg, I do, and you love me, I know it. We have a click so strong that I can’t deny it anymore. I want to be with you”.

I caressed his cheek with my fingers, realizing how different it felt from anything I had done before. And now I had told him how I felt I wanted to kiss him, I wanted to close my eyes and smell and feel him, I was ready to throw myself in the biggest adventure of my life.

I didn’t know why I had doubted all these weeks, months. For him I wanted to free myself from the comfortable life I had been living until today.

Our eye-lock was intense and I could feel his body heat radiating to me, warming my skin and my soul. But I also saw how confused he was.

“Hey”, I said and combed with my fingers through his sweaty hair. “What’s wrong?”.

“Nothing”, he said and leaned towards me, almost touching my lips with his. We breathed in each other’s air. It was mesmerizing, but I needed more, so I pulled his head closer to mine till our lips really touched. Finally.


I felt his lips on my skin and I tried to free myself from the dream that seemed to paralyze me. Luke and I were skiing but he had fallen off a cliff and I couldn’t find him. My heart was running in my chest like a maniac and I felt how heavy it was, how desperate I was, how my life seemed meaningless without him.

“Hey”, he said and kissed my cheek. Did you have a nightmare? You were screaming in your sleep”.

I still couldn’t believe that I had been dreaming, it had felt so real, the loss so overwhelming. The panic when I realized that I had to live without him raised an emotion I had never felt before.

I took him in my arms and had to be sure that he was laying next to me, that he was okay. Tears were running down my cheek.

“Hey Reid”, Luke said softly, “you are killing me baby, what’s wrong?”.

I relaxed my muscles a little, realizing that I was almost strangling him.

“I was dreaming, and I lost you Luke. I have these dreams all the time, that we are somewhere together and suddenly you are gone. It’s unbelievable how my body responds to that idea. I panicked, sorry”.

He caressed my face and looked at me. “I am going nowhere Reid”, he promised. “I want to spend my life with you, I am so in love with you”.

“I am so glad you are here in my house, although it was not your choice Luke. I love waking up with you like this. Imagine that you sleep here all the time, with me, we can fuck when we want to, I can listen to your snoring, I can get used to that”.

I saw how his eyes started to drift.

“I…I love you Reid, but don’t ask me to move in with you, we have talked about this, I have to have my own space sometimes. That’s what I have learned from my time with Noah, I can get very …how should I say it…submissive. I want to solve problems, I clean the house, I cook…and in the end I am not happy with it, I need some time for myself sometimes, to look back at my life and write in my diary and see where I stand. I have been depressed Reid, I didn’t want to leave my bed, I didn’t want to live anymore because of what I had lost.

Looking back at my relationship with Noah I don’t understand why I was so lost when I finally decided to end things with him, because…what we had was a suffocating thing. But somehow I couldn’t give it up, I thought I loved him”.

I pushed the emotional man I loved so much on his back and rolled on top of him.

“You loved him Luke, you spend years with that guy so you had feelings for him. And now you have feelings for me, and they are different but also valuable. My relationship with Marc was different than ours, but I realized a while ago that I can look back at it with a smile on my face.

We also had good times, Marc and I, we had fun, we had sex. But it didn’t work out. And then I met you. I don’t ask you to move in with me, I know how you love to hide in that forest of yours. But for now I like it, I hope Reg and Scott need some time to figure things out so you have to stay here. I hope they are okay. I know they are”.

“Yeah”, Luke said softly, while he started to move his hips a little. “I know that they will have a great time, I just hope they change the sheets before I come back. Maybe I need to buy some new ones”.

He smirked and wiggled with his eyebrows while he opened his legs a little wider. I slipped between them and looked at him.

“What do you need from me Luciano?”, I whispered.

His moan ignited a lust in me only he could evoke. He didn’t answer but closed his eyes while I pushed my morning wood against his ass.

“You want me to fuck you?, I breathed into his ear.

While he grabbed the headstand he nodded.


Sitting on the porch of Luke’s cabin I looked in the distance without seeing anything. His words just resonated in my head: I love you. How did he know? Why was he so certain? It should be nerve wrecking for him to be with me, but he declared his feelings as if he whispered these words to me every day.

He loved me.

I heard that he opened the door. Now I had to be honest, but I had no idea what to tell him. He said that I loved him, the prick. But I didn’t do love, how could I say that to him? He was okay with the fact that his world was turning in another direction. How could he give in so easily?

I felt his hands on my shoulders and shivered. It was cold outside. He massaged my sore muscles without speaking, he knew that I needed time, or…no I didn’t need time, I needed to be free, I wanted to get my old life back, with Luke and my Grinder account and…

His breath caressed my neck and I closed my eyes, while all my muscles tensed. This was not fair of him. I felt his lips touching my skin.

“Come inside Reg”, he whispered. “It’s freaking cold here. I made a fire, and coffee with rum”.

His voice, his fingers on my shoulders, his love for me, it was too much, too soon, too…

“I have to go”, I whispered.

He kissed my neck softly and squeezed my arms. “Okay”, he said, “I’ll get your coat”.

“You are not going to talk me out of it? Don’t you want me to stay?”.

He walked around me and kneeled in front of me. “Do you want me to beg you? Do you think that I like this, seeing you fight with yourself? I don’t want you to do anything against your will Reg, if you need to go I have to accept that. I can see how hard it is for you to be around me, and I don’t want that”.

“But you came out for me”.

He smiled. “No Reg, I came out for myself. I fell in love with you, yes, but that doesn’t mean that you feel the same for me. I couldn’t do it anymore, fight, pretend to my girlfriend, but that’s me, I want to start to live a life that’s mine. And fuck yes, I hope it’s with you, but that feeling has to be mutual. You have to chose me too. If not, then I’ll survive.”.

“What do you expect from me Scott?”.

“I have no expectations Reg. I know what kind of life you had, and I don’t ask you to change that for me. I just…god that sounds sappy, but it’s true….I want you to be happy”.

“But I am so miserable, can’t you see that?”.

“Then tell me why, was it something I did?”.

I closed my eyes. “Yes you idiot, it’s your fault! You came into my life and made me want things I never wanted before. I wanted you to lay next to me and ….

I just want to be with you Scott, can’t you feel that? I want to kiss you like we did at the police station. I want to….but I don’t want to want that. I don’t like the idea of being committed to someone”.

“Why is that so scary for you?”.

“It was always a nightmare to me”.


“Yes”, I whispered.

“Well have I got news for you, I don’t see a reason to be so sad Reg, I told you I love you and you like me, so why don’t we try to find a way in which this……this non-relationship between us is going to work”.

“You are persistent”.

“Yes I am, because that’s what love does to me”.

“Why are you so sure? You have lost everything”.

“Why are you such a dickhead? Huh? I haven’t lost everything, I have won a lot. I have never felt like this before, and it makes me alert and alive”.

He grabbed my chin and made me look up. I melted in his eyes, in his persona, in his determination. Why was I fighting this?

I smiled at him and pulled his head close to mine. He caressed my cheek before he softly kissed my lips. While our tongues found each other I tried to find an explanation why I fought this. This was all I wanted, to be close to this wonderful guy. He didn’t ask me to marry him. He just wanted me to listen to my feelings. He understood them so much better than I did myself.

“Are we good?”, he asked breathless when we came up for air.

“We are going to be the best”, I said and smiled.

love hurts, atwt, !author|artist: parishs, rating: r, funficfriday, reid, luke, lure_atwt

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