Nothing but trouble chapter 17 (the end)

Jan 05, 2014 15:00

Title: Nothing but trouble
Chapter: 17
Written by: Parishs
Rating: nc-17
Summary: Reid wants to be sure what Luke is to him (Reid's POV). Links to the previous chapters below!
Prompt: Fic(let)-a-thon february 2014. No beta, sorry.
Disclaimer: I own nothing.

Previous chapter: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16

“Tony, can you please leave us alone for a minute?”, I asked, although I wanted to punch him in the face.

Luke had been right, the director was lusting after him and did something so out of character that I had trouble believing it, although I had heard them talk. Tony looked bewildered at me and did what I asked.

In the mirror I held Luke's gaze while I walked to him. I took him in my arms and kissed his hair. “I am so sorry I didn’t believe you earlier”, I said. “Did you really tape it?”.

Luke nodded. “Yes”, he said. “I have been thinking about the issue with Tony and all I could think about was to collect evidence, I knew that no one would believe me so I had to have proof in case Tony would decide not to hire me. I am not going to use it against him, but it’s what’s going to make sure that I am getting the job. I am the right man for the job, everyone here knows that, and I’m not going to lose it because I have spend the night with you”.

I felt his strength and self confidence and it made me weak.

“You spend the night with me, yes, but that’s something different than what you told Tony”, I said softly. Doubt suddenly took over and I hated it, that I needed more from him, that I needed to hear the words again he had spoken earlier.

“What did I tell Tony?”, Luke said confused. “I was so angry that the words just rolled out of my mouth Reid, I don’t remember what I said. What was it?”.

“Listen to your phone”, I said in a monotone voice, not letting my anger or sadness take over yet, I knew that he had said things from the heart when he was talking to Tony, but I didn’t know if he wanted to feel them, he had told me that he wanted to be free. I had said words with the same meaning, that I needed my space, that I didn’t want to commit.

And I still felt that way, I knew that I needed my own home and time to think and rest, but a new urge was messing with my head and my heart, the urge to hear him say it again, that I was his lover, that I was his. I wanted to be his.

He grabbed the phone out of his pocket and listened to his own voice. I looked at his reflection in the mirror and held my breath. This was a life changing moment for me.

His eyes were trying to read mine when the conversation on the phone stopped. He wanted to know what I thought of his words. Did I want to show him my feelings, although I didn’t know what he was going to do?

In a kind of trance I wrapped my arms around his shoulders and lay my head in his neck. “Do you want me to be yours?”, I asked softly. His nod was enough. We were lovers.


Like children we giggled and pushed each other upstairs. I opened the bottle of champagne when we finally reached his apartment, and said “come here” before I put the glass against my lips. I filled my mouth with the cold delicious bubbles and pulled Luke’s head so close that I could kiss him.

I wanted to share the champagne with him, I wanted the liquid to fill our mouths while we kissed, I wanted all of him. And I got it. On our way to his house he had been swearing a lot, still not getting that he got the job. That he got me. That we were more than guys who got off on the phone together. The euphoria was written all over his face. His eyes were shining and all I could do was take in the sight of my beautiful boyfriend. Yes, that.

I pushed him to the bedroom and asked him to undress. He held my gaze when he slowly unbuttoned his shirt and pants. The white skin beneath his clothes was calling me and I softly pushed him onto his bed, needing him to lay down for me, and he did, he wiggled out of his pants and underwear and lay down with his hands above his head. Waiting for me. Needing me to do something.

I sat down on the bed next to him and poured a bit of champagne on his chest. He shivered from the cold, but also because I licked up the liquid from his skin, and teased his nipples.

“Reid”, he moaned.

I crawled up and kissed his lips. “Yes baby, what do you need?”.

He was panting. “I need you to make me yours”, he said softly. He was learning to express himself to me, and it was so arousing to see him so horny.

“You need me to fuck you?’, I asked in his ear.

He shivered again. “Yes fuck me”, he whispered. “I need your hard dick filling me up Reid, I want my boyfriend to use me the way he wants to. I am yours Reid, totally”.

I took another zip from the bottle and crawled down, till I could swallow his cock. I started to suck his length while the bubbles were teasing his sensitive flesh. His moans got more sexy and came from deep within him. All I could do was make him feel good. I wanted to try that for as long as I lived.

rating: nc-17, fic(let)-a-thon 2014, nothing but trouble, : !author|artist: parishs, luke, reid

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