x Name: Alecia
x Birthday: May 8th
x Zodiac: Taurus
x What time is it?: 5:21
x What is the date?: May 19th
x Other Names Your Parents Considered: i dont know.
--------------------Standard Stuff----------------------------
x E-mail:
ish58@wideopenwest.comx Eyes: brown
x Hair: Brown/blonde highlights
x Height: 5'3
x Who lives with you? mom, dad, sister, dog.
x When is your bedtime? whenever i want it to be
--------------------In the Last 24 Hours-----------------------
x Cried: no
x Worn jeans: yes
x Met someone new: nope
x Done laundry: haha rightt.
x Cursed: um.. idkk
x Watched a Movie: no
x Went to the movies: no
x Went shopping: i wishh
x Gotten sick: nope
x Been kissed: yes
x Given a kiss: yes
x Lied: maybee.
----------------------Have You Ever-------------------------
x Missed school cuz of weather: of course
x Lit urself on fire: jimmy lit my sock on fire,,
x Kept a secret from everybody: yeah
x Had an imaginary friend: umm. no
x Ever been in love w/ a friend: heck yess!
x Cried during a Movie? yes
x Had crush on an teacher? haha noo. but maria did.
x Been on stage: neverr
x Cut your own hair: right..
x Seen a murder: no wayy!
------------------------Your Firsts------------------------------
x First best friend: Tashhh
x First car: uhh.. i don't have one??
x First real date: none
x First self purchased album: R. Kelly but it was a tape..
x First piercing/tattoo: ears
x First enemy: jordan hess
x First big trip: florida
x First Kiss: 7th grade
x First failing grade: i'm supposed to remember that?
----------------------In the Last Week -------------------
x Been mean: yeahh
x Been sarcastic: mhmm
x Talked to someone you have a crush on: well.. i don't really have a "crush".. he's kinda my boyfriend..
x Hugged someone: yepp
x Fought with your parents? heck yes
x Got in an argument with your best friend: no
x Laughed until you cried: yeahh!
x Played Truth or Dare: no
x Watched a sunrise/sunset: nope
x Went to the beach at night: no.
-------------------Who Did this Last-----------------
x Called you: a sales guy..faggot.
x Slept in your bed: umm.. me