beauty is all around

Jan 09, 2008 13:52

Some lines from the new book im reading that I can't stop gushing over....

"Because you too are a writer , and mysteries inspire you but they must be dominated conquered."

"For you and for me, the highest moment, the keenest joy is not when our minds dominate but when we lose our mind- and you and I both lose it in the same way, by love"

"She invents her life as she goes along- she sees no difference between fiction and reality. How we love that in her."

"I see you before me constantly, with your head down and your long lashes lying on your cheeks. And I feel very humble. I don;t know why you should single me out- it puzzles me."

"Once you came within a foot of me, face to face, and the back of a chair between us- how did I ever restrain myself? And there were other times I felt only your mind, and your mind is slippery, it gets between my thoughts and I have to squirt sand or the wheels will slip."

On a sad note, my type writer has died on me. Im looking for another one as soon as possible.
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