god damn! god damn!

Oct 29, 2006 22:45

halloween is in two days and i still have no costume. but...
mia from pulp fiction
or a heroin addict
..i can do these two quite well.
whatever i just want to get wasted and smoke a lot of pot and eat candy.

devin moved out of my house. it was way too stressful..i will never ever live with another boy for the rest of my life. he's messy and inconsiderate and im just crazy. whatever were still together which is good i guess but space is deff..needed.

i still havent gotten a job but the library called me back and i must call them monday morning and tuesday i will be looking for jobs at 12 places because i made a list.

devin bought me a fish but it died. it died the day after he moved out.

beth's baby shower is coming up. i havent seen her in a couple months i bet she is really big and pregnant looking now. i still cant believe she got pregnant before i did. could of sworn it was going to be the other way around.

i really hope devin brings weed with him tonight when he comes over because i have cookies and cream ice cream. i wanna eat ice cream and have sex stoned outta my mind.

oh SHIT! im off of probation. fuck yes. i got off only after being on for four months. i get my license back soon and i'll be going to new york. suckerzzz!

devils night is tomorrow. satan lives in my closet.
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