(Not that you Care but) "Here is What I am Doing" entry.

Jul 02, 2005 01:27

(Here is a sample of the sort of entries I write in my Xanga: )

We pick up our new kitten in one week! Which means you all must come visit him! And me, of course.

I'm so excited.

In other news, I started working again at Capones as a buser (still). Tonite was my first night back. It was incredibly slow (for a Friday especially), which I suppose was a good thing because it helped me get back into the swing of things after almost a whole year haitus. At any rate, it was nice to have cash in my pocket when I left. Almost forgot how rad that feels.

Hopefully that awesomely neat internship (that Liang has) comes through. Otherwise my lazy ass will need a second job for some kizz-ash. I've almost gutted my bank account... sigh.

I must say, if anything, I must thank my parents for making me get a job so that I could realize that if I fail out of school, I could spend the rest of my life doing this shit. The mailroom was especially scary. I mean, I respect all the people I work with. But these jobs are definetly not what I'm cut out for. (Woot! I ended two sentences in a row with prepositions!)

I'm taking a hiphop dance class with Liang (and my little sister). Basically, it couldn't be any more obvious that I'm SO white. It's fun, though. Three more classes left.

I missed signing up for the art class I wanted, so I'm going to go down to Pearl and see if they have any class listings for painting and/or drawing classes. Regardless, I still have my own personal goal to at least make ten paintings this summer. In fact, Ruth is coming over tomorrow to paint! (She's quite good, if I might add.) I'm trying a new style of painting, which I stumbled upon by chance when browsing books in the library.

I don't really like to look back, but this year was pretty good. Sometimes I wonder if I'm the only one at school that had fun though. Hm, not sure. I kinda wish I was back already. Easy routine of class and work. Anime-filled nights. Food-filled weekends. Simple times. Not that things aren't simple right now. Well, enough looking back, I'm definetly looking forward to next year. Definetly going to be good times with a new, awesome roommate, and best of all NO MORE five/four days a week French class with counted attendance. And NO MORE cluster class. Ah, to be free! Laziness, I feel premonition of your presence. Like I said before, I have an affinity for all things sloth and/or gluttonous. Case in point: I just finished cleaning my room up the other day. It's still kinda eh. Additionally, move-out day was possibly the worst day of my ENTIRE year.

In the past two weeks, I've managed to reap plenty bad luck, the latest being my jinxy curse on the Capone's business. Tuesday, I got a street sweeper ticket which I have to pay for, even though last week my mom moved the cars on the lawn, leading me to think there was no sweep this week. This is also the day after I got yelled at many times over for parking my car in the driveway. $38. ROBBERY.
I had two cavities filled (I've only had like one cavity EVER before this), which have been acting up, and extremely sensitive. And even though my dentist perviously said that I probably wouldn't need my wisdom teeth removed, she decided that maybe I do last week. Ug, she's so flakey, this new chick. AND I freaking got mail for jury duty. What the hell no. Basically I'm going to hell cause I haven't mailed it back in time. Shit.

On another, more random note, EVERYONE I KNOW is going to Europe this summer. Very odd, indeed. I'm jealous^infinity.

Stuff I need
This list is mostly for myself. What the crap I need so much STUFF. I already have so much stuff, too.
-pumas (that aren't three years old and falling apart)
-one white hoodie, one green jacket (destroyed by younger THIEF sister)
-black pointy BCBG shoes (mailed off to my older sister by my pyscho mother)
-new black dickies for work (that aren't faded)
-light colored jeans (old ripped)
-white spaghetti strap shirt (old stained)
-necklaces (to replace broken ones)
-black eyeliner
-printer ink

Stuff I want within reason
-polka dot flip flops from nordstroms (even though I hate flipflops)
-more eyeshadow
-mp3 player (broken this year)
-portable cd player (also broken this year)
-a nicer cell phone (...flushed this year)
-sex & the city seasons 3-6
-art stufff!
-shoeeees shoes shoes shoes
-new 5-disc cd player (as mine is old and beginning to flake out, and no longer has a working remote)
-stuff for my room, including, but not limited to, the following-
-duvet cover
-mirrored closet doors
-matching tv stand
-wooden headboard for my bed
-string of paper laterns

Currently accepting applications for a sugar daddy...

Well, I suppose I ought to sleep now because my mother just woke up and probably wants to kill me now. I sense death coming in the morning.

Wow, now you can truly verify how boring my life (and myself) is =)

Whatever, I love it.

summer life

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