Sep 17, 2004 16:29
its ensuring to know, that Rochell is happy being out here..I was worried for the sake of my friend's happiness and ease of well adjustment. But she seems pretty content,..for the moment...dun dun dun...
I had the craziest dream last night, and not my usual zombie induced dreams, but this time something completely different. I woke up in those moods where I remember it, and want to prosue something of that soon. I dreamt that I got a position at the Bohiemien Weekly (like the metro or those weekly newpapers that are free) as a sex asume that I got it in a pun type formatting. just that it seems like a rad job, and you give advise..besides if I dont know, one of my friends is bound to know. Sometimes people feel safer asking for advise while being anynomus instead of asking a relative or friend who may backstab them and report the confident information to many others; in turn producing the dreaded "gossip".
I think I am going to look into it more soon. Besides its stepping outside my boundary and in turn bring something a little different.
Oh By the way...A photograph I took for a store turned up in the magazine for a ad..I was stoked.