Apr 29, 2010 07:02

Thanks to midnightmadness for the following:

LiveJournal has started "spying" on you - nice of them to, like, let US know

How To Fix This Invasion of Privacy and Potential Browser Function Fuckery
For those that just want to fix, it go to the following page (while you're logged into LJ)
and enter
set opt_exclude_stats 1
(copy and paste that last line and hit return).

If you run NoScript or an AdBlocker, also add to it these links

What's Going On
It doesn't matter who you are, or if you're a paid/permanent user, LJ recently, sneakily and underhandedly, added a piece of javascript code into all of the pages generated on LJ - unlike many of these advertising related features, this one DOES affect paid/permanent users (though, do note that not every user/LJ server had this implemented, so it *might* not be on your LJ - still, you should opt out right now even if it isn't as, presumably, any stuff like this will be implemented site wide in time). They're using a service to spy on every link you click on LJ. They didn't tell the users about this, which also was another hit of fuckery against me as I block all "services" like this by default and it was messing up my LJ until I fixed it.

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