appropriately named publication, apparently

Aug 30, 2009 09:08

I don't know why, but I have just spent the majority of my cup of coffee + 20 minutes reading these. I started off with an interesting photo essay about the rotting and abandoned schools in the Detroit metro area and ended up reading snarky snippets that "Oh No They Didn't" would love. [some images are NSFW, NSFK]

Here's a few of the tamer ones.

This British public-schooler's smirky bravado may seem out of place, but when you factor in all the tablings and ball-blackings and bogwashes, they're basically the Navy SEALS of the international nerd community.

Wow, flip-flops, pajama pants, and the infamous crunched-up cowboy hat. That’s all there is. That’s all three. That’s like a girl being fat, ugly, and stupid.

Forget false metal, someone really needs to call for a death to false nerds. We're talking about all these frat guys and regular bitches who saw Juno and decided to retrofit their boring personalities with a bunch of shitty cartoon characters and video games they don't know the name of. Who do we talk to about getting this done? Who's the current Nerdatollah, Harry Knowles?
You have to love that the page is pretty much entirely sponsored by American Apparel, with ads that look like this:

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