Dec 29, 2010 17:28

I just finished watching Otome Youkai Zakuro. OBLIGATORY FANGIRL POST.

First of all, I started watching this a few months ago, left it at around episode 5 because I got busy and started re-watching it like 2 days ago lol. I FINISHED IT TODAY OMFG I AM SO HAPPY THERE WAS A HAPPING ENDING. Oh, and I didn't know the last episode aired like 2 days ago? rofl I'm not that late

There were absolutely no characters I didn't like, even the Black Widow and Lieutenant Hanadate...I mean Omodaka. BUT ANYWAY YEAH ALL THE CHARACTERS WERE PRETTY LIKEABLE. I even like Byakuroku omfg she is so awesome ;u; And I totally expected Zakuro to be a total tsundere and I was (unsure) about that but she is TOTALLY FUCKING AWESOME and Agemaki nnnghh ♥ Bonbori and Hozuki are so adorable too but I am curious as to what Ganryu is going to do about them LOL and oh my god Susukihotaru and Riken they are so ngggggh hdafads.

I am so glad about the ending that I don't even care anymore.

The manga series hasn't ended yet I think so hopefully ANOTHER SEASON? PLEASE? I should probably read the manga too but dhafjkfhkadhf

otome youkai zakuro, obligatory post, fangirling

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